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Global Studies and Geography Major, Tempe Staples, Defends Thesis

The Global Studies & Geography department is proud to announce that double major and graduating senior, Tempe Staples, successfully defended her Honors Thesis on Wednesday, December 7, 2016. She studied urban poverty and its association with increased levels of post-partum depression and the benefits of paid family leave on mothers and their children. Her Honors Thesis Committee was comprised of: Dr. Kari Jensen, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography, Zilkia Janer, Professor of Global Studies and Geography and Martine Hackett, Assistant Professor of Health Professions.

During her career at Hofstra Tempe has been active in the department, working as a Student Aide and recently organizing a Student Career Night. She has served as Secretary, PR Manager and Vice President in the student run club Get Global and is a member of Mu Kappa, Hofstra's chapter of the International Geographic Honor Society, Gamma Theta Upsilon.

Congratulations Tempe!
