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Parent and Family Programs

Parent Services


View student's account statement and make payments online.


Add cash to your student's Dutch Debits account online!

Students can access these services through the Student Services menu within the portal.

Parent & Family Programs Multimedia


  • Web Chat: Internships and Jobs
    On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, Hofstra's Executive Director of the Career Center Gary Miller lead a discussion on internships, jobs, and how parents can help their students through the process.
  • Web Chat: Parent Council Town Hall
    On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, Hofstra's Parent Council Co-Presidents Jack and Alicia Melo participated in a live chat talking about how current Hofstra parents can get engaged on campus through Parent Council.
  • Web Chat: Academic Integrity
    On Wednesday, February 29, 2012, Dr. Warren Frisina, Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Dean of Hofstra University Honors College, conducted a live chat with Hofstra parents on the topic of academic integrity.

Parent Services


View student's account statement and make payments online.


Add cash to your student's Dutch Debits account online!

Students can access these services through the Student Services menu within the portal.