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Community Outreach: students
Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services

Thinking about living off-campus?

For students considering living off campus, Hofstra's Office of Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services can assist you in weighing the options and determining if off campus living is the best option for you. If you are thinking about living off campus we suggest you answer the following questions.

Questions to ask yourself about living off campus:

  1. What is my budget? What can I afford? What about a deposit? Don't forget about utilities.
  2. Does my financial aid cover my rent?
  3. How do I know if an area is a safe place to live?
  4. Do you want to live alone or share space and expenses with a roommate?
  5. How close do you need to be to campus?
  6. What types of transportation will you rely on and what costs are associated?
  7. Do you have furniture or will you need a furnished apartment/house?
  8. What amenities are priorities for you: air conditioning, laundry facilities, extra storage?

Here are some helpful links:

Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services