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Hofstra University Museum
  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus

The Betrayal of Srebrenica: A Commemoration

September 27 - December 3, 2006
Lowenfeld Exhibition Hall, Axinn Library, 10th floor

Photographs by Paula Allen
Conceptualization and Production of the Exhibit by Lisa DiCaprio

Exhibit Opening Program

Wednesday, September 27, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Lowenfeld Exhibition Hall, Axinn Library, 10th floor

Speaker: Lisa DiCaprio, Visiting Assistant Professor,
Department of History, Washington and Lee University

Srebrenica Survivor Among the Coffins
Srebrenica Survivor Among the Coffins to be Buried on July 11, 2005
Photograph by Paula Allen

  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus