Office for Research and Sponsored Programs

Other Resources

Electronic Proposal Submission and Online Grant Administration Systems

National Science Foundation's FastLane

NASA - STScI Grants Management System

Program Development

Grantionary - A Glossary of Terms related to grants and funding

Statistical Information for Proposal Development

U.S. Census Bureau

NY State Department of Health

Nassau County Data and Research Resources

Suffolk County Planning and Research Page

Proposal Writing Guides

DHHS Office of Research Integrity’s Ten Tips for Writing a Winning Proposal

Environmental Protection Agency’s “General Tips for Writing a Competitive Proposal”

GuideStar’s Tips for Successful Grant Writing

NIH Grant Writing Tip Sheets

U.S. Department of Education's "What Should I Know about ED Grants"

National Science Foundation Division of Education and Human Services:
A Guide for Proposal Writing

The Foundation Center's User-Friendly Guide to Funding Research and Resources

The Foundation Center's Proposal Writing Short Course


On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research
Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy
National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995 (40 pages).

Reinventing Undergraduate Education, The Boyer Commission
Research universities were the target audience for this report of the National Commission on Educating Undergraduates when they convened in 1995 under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Nonetheless, this report provides much food for thought among our nation's predominantly undergraduate institutions.


The Foundation Center "Your Gateway to Philanthropy on the World Wide Web"

The Chronicle of Philanthropy "The Newspaper of the Non-Profit World"

Ford’s Foundation’s Other Philanthropic Resources

The Grantsmanship Center "The World's Leading Sources of Grantsmanship Training and Grant Information"

Grantspy "The Grant-Seeker's Intelligence Source"


Institute for Youth Development

Organizations Promoting University-Based Research

National Council of University Research Administrators

Association of University Technology Managers

Council on Government Relations

Council on Undergraduate Research

Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable

New York State Office of Science, Technology, and Academic Research


Per Diem Rates
This is a link to the per diem travel rates established by the General Services Administration for use by federal government employees. We have added this link in an effort to provide assistance budgeting travel costs on your sponsored project grant applications. These costs do not represent limitations on cost reimbursement to Hofstra University employees; rather, this information is provided as guidance in preparing proposal budgets.  The Universal Currency Converter
Currency Exchange Calculators can be found on many websites, providing the most common exchanges (Euro-U.S. Dollar) as well as some of the more obscure (from the Albanian Lek to the Zambian Kwacha). is one of the more popular and easy-to-use Exchange Rate Calculators. It is provided at this site for your convenience when preparing cost projections and/or travel expenses and reimbursement reports on grants.

Videotape Series: "Protecting Human Subjects"
"Protecting Human Subjects" is a series of three instructional videotapes produced by the federal government's Office of Human Research Protections (formerly the Office for Protection from Research Risks). These videos are available by loan from Hofstra University's Office for Research and Sponsored Programs. Suggested Audiences: Researchers, institutional officials, students, investigators, IRB members, and staff.