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Global Studies & Geography Faculty News


  • Hofstra's European Odyssey turns 20. August 21, 2011 Newsday, August 21, 2011
  • Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Tapped for Global Research Panel August 24, 2011
  • Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue quoted in the New York Times, “Panama Adding a Wider Shortcut for Shipping", August 16, 2011.
  • Hofstra Gets 'Green' Ranking, August 4, 2011.
  • In July the Department saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Masaharu (George) Inaba, who taught geography at Hofstra from 1960-1991. Page 3
  • Dr. Kari Jensen reports on a busy summer doing research in Bangladesh and Norway Page 4
  • Dr. Robert Brinkmann, elected the Vice-Chair of the Board of the National Cave and Karst Institute (NCKRI) and has a very busy year! Page 5
  • Hofstra appoints Dr. Robert Brinkmann Director of Sustainability Studies, plans multi- disciplinary degree program, April 12, 2011