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Global Studies and Geography Students Participate in Fall 2016 Undergraduate Research Day

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, five Global Studies and Geography majors (CJ Burka, James Eager, Connor Mayes, La Rainne Pasion and Tempe Staples) presented posters of their semester long research projects as part of Undergraduate Research Day.

The participants thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to present their work (faculty advisor, Dr. Craig Dalton had reminded them “Your maps will tell the story, text not required.”) as well as to explore the work of the other students exhibiting. They found that swapping information about their work with students from the other disciplines proved challenging. While it was easy to discuss the data analysis process and use of ArcGIS software to create a map, it was daunting to follow along when a Chemistry or Biology student tried to explain his/her project similarly and vice versa. It afforded everyone the chance to appreciate the specific technologies and subject matter knowledge that each department uses to research and demonstrate their work.

CJ Burka presented: Shark Attacks in the Eastern United States

James Eager presented: Afghanistan: Imports and Exports

Connor Mayes presented: Mapping Language Proficiency in New York City

La Rainne Pasion presented: Comparing Fast Food and Obesity in Latin America

Tempe Staples presented: Place, Policy and Poverty: Social Determinants of Maternal Mental Health which was a product of her Departmental Honors Thesis

Congratulations to all on your successful projects and for participating in this esteemed event!
