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Track II Requirements

Track II is for candidates who do not have a teaching certificate. Students will obtain initial certification in health education after completing the course work in the track in which they are enrolled. This graduate program prepares students to teach health education at all grade levels in public and private schools and leads to New York state teacher certification.

Track II Requirements

  1. Completion of General Education Core
  2. Completion of Health Prerequisites
  3. Completion of Professional Education Core (12-18 s.h.)
  4. Completions of Competencies (.5 s.h.)
  5. Completion of Master of Science in Health Education (39 s.h.)
  6. Completion of 100 hours of Field Experiences
  7. Student Teaching (6 s.h.) 

View sample plans of study for Track II students.

For more detailed information on the Health Education Master’s, please visit the Hofstra Bulletin.