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Our Hofstra Moments Epps

Sydni Epps, '17

I knew Hofstra was the place for me the moment I arrived for my campus tour as a high school senior. I had been looking at several larger schools, but I chose Hofstra because it felt like a family and a community. I will never forget my campus visit. Everyone I met made me feel like I could be a part of this family. I knew from the get-go that the faculty and staff at Hofstra University would be willing to help me succeed.

Growing up outside Philadelphia, PA with 4 older siblings, I always knew that paying for a college education would be difficult. Due to a tremendous amount of hard work and perseverance, I am fortunate enough to receive scholarship support as a member of the women’s basketball team. And I am thankful for that scholarship every single day. Being a student is my job but being an athlete is my job as well. I take it very seriously because Hofstra is investing in me.

I am constantly amazed by how hard every Hofstra student works.

Being a member of the Hofstra University women’s basketball team has been a life changing experience. Last year we made it all the way to the CAA Championship – a feat that no Hofstra women’s basketball team has ever been able to achieve. When I first came to Hofstra I was very shy. But Coach Kilburn-Steveskey encouraged me to get involved with the SAAC (Student-Athlete Advisory Committee). I am so thankful for that encouragement because I have become a leader at Hofstra and the NCAA. I am one of the 32 members of the National Student Athletic Advisory Committee where I represent Hofstra and the CAAA. We meet regularly to discuss student welfare issues and legislation issues. We are the voice of every student athlete in the country.

It’s so important that alumni, parents, and friends continue to support Hofstra University. We have incredibly talented students here. We have students with God-given talents in academics, athletics and extra-curricular activities. My activities here at Hofstra have been centered around athletics, but there are so many other students who commit themselves to other aims such as academics, community service, Greek life and in countless other ways. I commend them. Everyone is working hard and moving towards their own personal goals. I am constantly amazed by how hard every Hofstra student works. And it pays off! We have students graduating and going on to do amazing things. Please make your gift today for Hofstra’s Day of Giving!