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Cultural Center


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

12:45-2:15 p.m.     Panel I: Constitutional Limitations  on Presidential Power in Wartime?

Chair:                      Meena Bose, Hofstra University

                               Rebecca Curry, Hofstra University
                               "Presidential War Powers and the Limits of Judicial Supremacy" 

                               Louis Fisher, Law Library, Library of Congress
                               "Presidents Operating Under the Law"    

                               Eric Lane, Hofstra University
                               "Executive Secrecy in Wartime"   

Commentator:          Michael Genovese, Loyola Marymount University

3-4:30 p.m.              KEYNOTE ADDRESS 
                                David Brooks, Columnist, The New York Times
                                "Lessons from Lincoln for Presidential Leadership
                                in the Twenty-First Century"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

9:30-11 a.m.            Panel II: Institutional Reponses to Expanding Presidential Power

                                David Adler, Idaho State University
                                "The Trajectory of Illimitable Executive Power in Foreign Affairs:
                                 Presidential Usurptation, Congressional Abdication and Judicial

                                Gene Healy, CATO Institute
                                 "Congressional Abdication and the Cult of the Presidency"

                                Nancy Kassop, SUNYat New Paltz
                                "Reverse Effect: Congressional and Judicial Restraints on Presidential Power"

Commentator:          Carolyn Eisenberg, Hofstra University

11:10 a.m.-12:35 p.m.  Panel III: The Future of Presidental Power

Chair                       Julian G. Ku, Hofstra University School of Law

                               Christopher Kelley, Miami University
                                "To Be (Unitarian) or Not To Be (Unitarian)? Presidential Power in the
                                 George W. Bush Administration"

                               Andrew Rudalevige, Dickinson College
                               "Imperial Implementation? Bureaucratic Control and the Future of
                               Presidential Power"

                               Frederick A. O. Schwartz Jr., Brennan Center for Justice
                               New York School of Law

Commentator:         John McGinnis, Northwestern University School of Law

12:45-1:30 p.m.     Lunch Break (on your own)

1:30-3 p.m.             Closing Summation

For more information and registration materials, which will contain a complete schedule of events, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m to 5 p.m.