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Commuting Student Services: student
Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services

Tips 4 Commuters by Commuters

  • Park on the north side of campus—parking is a lot easier, and not much farther.
  • Make a point to walk through the student center at least once a week so you know what's going on.
  • Join clubs, like the Organization of Commuter Students (OCS), to stay involved in campus life.
  • Don't write off residents, even if you live close, they can be your best friends in bad weather :)
  • Don't be afraid to stay on campus and get work done, or come back for weekend parties—people who live on campus have just as much to share as you do when you show them Long Island.
  • Don't wear uncomfortable shoes.
  • Become involved…don't just go to classes and go home…have breaks in between classes to force you to be active members at Hofstra's events!
  • Give yourself enough time to get to campus; you never know what will happen on the roads!
  • I like to keep a sleeping bag and pillow in my car…you never know when you’ll need it…
  • The first day of class, ask your professors how they plans to contact you if they decide to cancel class—a commuter should never have to commute if they really don’t have a reason to!

Do you have a tip you would like to share? Email us and tell us!

Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services