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Class of 2022

It is time to take advantage of what Hofstra has to offer in your Sophomore year!
Bookmark this page and return often to see updated information.

The Savvy Sophomore Checklist

  • If you haven’t done so already, you should declare your major this year. Visit your major department to meet with a faculty advisor, or set up an appointment with your Advisement dean if you’re still not sure what to major in. Make an appointment at The Center for Career Design and Development for a career assessment. Keep in mind: You must declare a major prior to earning 60 credits.
  • If you haven’t started your language requirement (if applicable), this is the semester to start hablar español/le fait de parler le français/日本語を話, etc.
  • Start your summer 2020 internship search this fall. Being first in the queue will work to your advantage.
  • Want to study abroad? The fall semester is the time to look at your options for study abroad opportunities.
  • If you’re pre-health or pre-law and haven’t met with a pre-professional advisor, call the Center for University Advisement for an appointment.
  • Visit The Center for Career Design and Development and meet with a career counselor. Don’t wait until your senior year, as you will miss out on a lot of programs, events and opportunities!
  • Join a club or organization, or step up to a leadership position in a club or organization you joined last year.


Important Dates


September 2


Labor Day Holiday - University Closed

September 3


Classes Begin

September 9


Last day to register or add a class online

September 10


Department permission required to add classes. Override form required to register

September 2


Labor Day Holiday - University Closed

September 3


Classes Begin

September 9


Last day to register or add a class online

September 10


Department permission required to add classes. Override form required to register

September 30


Last day to drop a course without receiving a "W" grade on transcript.
*Absolute last day to register or add a class

October 7 & 8

Monday & Tuesday

Classes not in session

October 9


Last day to file the Pass/D/D+/Fail form

November 11


Last day to file the Repeat Course form

Last day to withdraw from an individual course - for Undergraduate students

Note: For courses shorter than 15 weeks, the student must withdraw within the first 2/3 of the course.

November 27-December 1


Thanksgiving Break - Classes not in session

December 9


Last day to completely withdraw for all courses - for Undergraduate students

December 10


Snow/Study/Reading day for Undergraduate classes only. Graduate classes meet.

December 11


Snow/Study/Reading day for Undergraduate classes only. Graduate classes meet.
Last day to withdraw from a course - for Graduate students

December 12-18


Final exams for all classes

December 18


Semester ends

December 19

Thursday (Evening)


January 27


Classes Begin

February 2


Last day to register or add a class online

February 3


Department permission required to add classes. Override form required to register.

February 17


President's Break - NO classes. University Closed.

February 18


President's Break - NO classes. 

February 21


Absolute last day to register or add a class

February 24


Last day to drop a course without receiving a "W" grade on transcript.

March 7


Last day to file the Pass/D/D+/Fail form

March 15 - 21

Sunday to Saturday

Spring Recess. Classes not in session.

April 10


Last day to file the Repeat Course form
Last day to withdraw from an individual course - for Undergraduate students.

May 6


Last day to completely withdraw for all courses - for Undergraduate students

May 7 & 8

Thursday & Friday

Snow/Study/Reading day for Undergraduate classes only. Graduate classes meet as normal.

May 8


Last day to withdraw from a course - for Graduate students.

May 11-16


Final exams for all classes.

May 16


Semester ends.

May 17

