Meet Our Graduates

Tyle Scherpich

Hometown: Holbrook, NY

Degree: Cardiovascular Sciences and Perfusion Medicine, MS

School: Hofstra Northwell School of Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies


Why did you choose Hofstra?

I chose Hofstra primarily because of its partnership with Northwell Health. Additionally, the Cardiovascular Sciences and Perfusion Medicine Program at Hofstra offers students earlier exposure to the operating room compared to other programs, providing valuable hands-on experience.


Who were your mentors and what made them special to you?

My brother, Dylan, served as an invaluable mentor and preceptor. His guidance not only provided insightful knowledge about the field but also offered support during challenging moments.


Tell us about some research projects, internships, or study abroad programs you participated in.

While at Hofstra, I engaged in research at both North Shore University Hospital and South Shore University Hospital, focusing on reducing acute kidney injury (AKI) through the implementation of goal-directed perfusion (GDP). Participating in this research enhanced my experience in the program by giving me a better understanding of the importance of healthcare research. This research better prepared me for graduation by equipping me with valuable practical skills.


What is your proudest Hofstra moment?

Being selected as a student ambassador for the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion (AACP) was one of my most rewarding experiences at Hofstra. My program director selected me and one other classmate. It was a huge surprise and an honor to be selected to represent the program in this capacity.


What will you miss the most about Hofstra?

What I'll miss the most about Hofstra is the camaraderie with my classmates. Our shared dedication to studying and collaborating on coursework made the program significantly more manageable and enjoyable.


After being a New York City police officer and sergeant, can you tell us some more about what made you choose to go back to school to pursue another career?

A significant factor motivating my decision is my long-standing aspiration to pursue a career in health care. Working within a hospital environment has always been a passion of mine.


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