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School of Education

Tk20 Assessment Program

Completing the Field Placement Summary Form and the Evaluation of Clinical Supervision Experience

When you click on your binder and get to the first page (mostly green color), click on the Rubric Wizard.  This should open up:

Completing the Field Placement Summary Form and the Evaluation of Clinical Supervision Experience

You will see that the very first item is the STUDENT’S FIELD PLACEMENT SUMMARY FORM.  Click on the link that says “click here to attach”

This will open up:

Completing the Field Placement Summary Form and the Evaluation of Clinical Supervision Experience


Now the actual form will appear:

Completing the Field Placement Summary Form and the Evaluation of Clinical Supervision Experience

Then use your mouse to drag the right bottom edge of the form out so that the entire form appears.  You will need to fill in a title – so just give it something like Field Placement Summary Form.  Then click on the appropriate radio buttons, fill in any commentary you want, and then you are done.

Do the same procedure for the last item on that original page that opens up when you clicked on the artifact wizard.  That last item is the evaluation of clinical supervision experience.

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