If you are having any difficulty using this website, please contact the Help Desk at Help@nullHofstra.edu or 516-463-7777 or Student Access Services at SAS@nullhofstra.edu or 516-463-7075. Please identify the webpage address or URL and the specific problems you have encountered and we will address the issue.

Event Management at Hofstra University

Contact Us

  • Office of Event Management
    200 Hofstra University
    112 Student Center
    Hempstead, New York 11549
    Telephone: (516) 463-6631
    Fax: (516) 463-6520

Summer Conference with Housing Reservation Request Form

Click here for External Request Form.

Thank you for your interest in Hofstra University Housing Facilities. Please note that housing facilities are available for conferences that require housing from May 25 - Aug 15. Please use this form to submit initial requests only. When filling out this form, please be as accurate and detailed as possible since this will aid in the overall planning of the request.

Conference Services will schedule events and conferences in the order that requests are received.

* Required Field

Organization Information

  1. As it will appear on Certificate of Insurance.

  2. * Please provide your Organization's Mission Statement:

  3. Co-Sponsoring Organizations? (List All)

  4. (if different from organization address)

  5. (if different from event contact)

  6. (if different from organization address)

  7. (if different from above)

  8. (if different from organization address)

  9. * How did you hear about Hofstra?
Event Information

  1. No Yes

  2. If you have not held this event at Hofstra University before, please provide references:

  3. *What is the purpose/topic of your conference?

  1. choose date :

  2. choose date :

  3. No Yes

  4. choose date :

  5. No Yes

  6. choose date :
Housing Information

  1. (2 guests per room)

  2. Additional Housing Requirements/Preferences:
Meal Information
    * Select one or more of the following options:
  1. Declining Balance (Debit Card) - Limited dollar amount for each guest for cafeteria style service
  2. Meal Plans -
  3. Catered Meals - Private dining rooms, customized menus
  4. Boxed Meals - Delivered or picked up
  5. No Meal Plan - Cash only in cafeteria and restaurant locations
  6. Meal Dates and Times
  7. :
  8. :
  9. :

  10. choose date

  11. choose date

  12. Describe Any Additional Dining Requirements:
* Payment Method
  1. Check     Credit Card     Purchase Order
Required Signature

  1. * I understand that this is only a request and does not guarantee an approved reservation for your event.

  2. * I understand that all conference arrangements are subject to a duly signed agreement and final approval from Hofstra University. Events and conferences are not confirmed until both requirements have been attained and I will not advertise my event until I have received official, written, final approval.

Thank you for your interest in Hofstra University! An Office of Conference Services representative will contact you.


This form is optimized for use with Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari only. Please switch to a different browser to submit this form.

Contact Us

  • Office of Event Management
    200 Hofstra University
    112 Student Center
    Hempstead, New York 11549
    Telephone: (516) 463-6631
    Fax: (516) 463-6520

Hofstra Events

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If you are having any difficulty using this website, please contact the ITS Service Desk at Help@nullHofstra.edu or by calling 516-463-7777. Please identify the webpage address or URL and the specific problems you have encountered and we will address the issue. If you have a disability-related question regarding accessing the website, contact Student Access Services at SAS@nullhofstra.edu or call 516-463-7075.

About Hofstra

Hofstra University is an EO/AA/ADA educator and employer.
HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY // Hempstead, New York 11549-1000 // (516) 463-6600 © Hofstra University All Rights Reserved