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Hofstra Pride Athletics

Hofstra University Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form

The Hall of Fame was created to perpetuate the memory of the student-athletes, coaches, administrators and supporters who have made extraordinary contributions and brought distinction, honor and excellence to Hofstra University Athletics.

Nomination/Election Criteria
General criteria for Hall of Fame nomination/election
  • The candidate must be of good character and exemplify the citizenship expected of persons representing the interests of Hofstra University.
  • Student-athletes may be nominated at any time, beginning 10 years following the completion of their eligibility.  A person who did not graduate from the University may be nominated upon a majority.
  • Coaches and administrators who have made outstanding contributions to Hofstra Athletics are eligible for nomination/election upon retirement or ending of their employment with the University.  A member of the Hall of Fame committee may have his/her name nominated during their term as a committee member but may not be present during the voting process.
  • Sponsors and contributors to Hofstra Athletics are eligible for nomination/election at any time.
  • Any individual can nominate another person for consideration by completing the nomination form and providing the necessary documentation.
  • The committee will review all nomination forms and will vote for the person to be placed permanently on the election list.  Once a person has been placed on the election list by more than six votes, he or she will be considered annually for election.
  • There will be a maximum of six inductees honored each year.
  • Election of inductees will be conducted by assigning a quality vote to each person on the election list, with each committee member's first choice receiving as many quality points as there are persons eligible for election.
  • No more than two candidates from any sport can be inducted in the same year.

Nominee Category
Nominee Information
Nominated by: