Our department, though small, offers a very wide variety of courses, all of which add immensely to students' ability to understand and interpret the world around them.
About the Department
In the Classroom
Our Programs
The Department of Economics offers majors and minors for students interested in economics and labor studies, as well as a minor in economics.

Get Experience
The Department of Economics offers students both an excellent introduction to the main areas of economics and the opportunity to tailor their learning experience to a varied range of professional and educational opportunities upon graduation.

About the Department
Our department, though small, offers a very wide variety of courses, all of which add immensely to students' ability to understand and interpret the world around them.
Your Future
Career Potential
The Department of Economics at Hofstra University prepares its graduates for success in academic, corporate, government, and nonprofit jobs.

Our Office
Room 200 Barnard Hall
Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sharron Papaccio
Room 200 Barnard Hall
Phone: 516-463-5592
Department Chair
Dr. Constantine Alexandrakis
Room 200B Barnard Hall
Phone: 516-463-5593