Nationalism and Exclusion
A Descriptive Guide to Hofstra University's Collections for the Study of the National Socialist Hegemony
Hofstra University's Collections of Nazi Culture and Propaganda
The Hofstra University Collection of Nazi Culture and Propaganda documents the rise of the National Socialist mentality in the Germany of the 1930s. In 1969, Hofstra purchased the core of this important collection, the Henry Kroul/Cragsmoor Collection, from the Kroul family's bookstore in upstate Cragsmoor, New York.
The materials in the collection reveal the interrelated strains of racial purity and nationalism in which the Holocaust would be grounded and document the pervasiveness of these ideologies in such diverse materials as children's textbooks, domestic advice and coffee table books, as well as in the more conventional political tracts and speeches. The horrors of the Holocaust have for some time eclipsed the more mundane topics of photography, camping, school and picture books that preceded and paralleled them. Yet it was in these homely and ubiquitous items that the insidious work of anti-Semitism was most effective. Long before direct action was taken to resolve what they called the Jewish Question, these primary vehicles of ideological transmission had been infused with a virulent anti-Semitism, which was disseminated throughout the German culture.
We believe that only by confronting and understanding these underpinnings of bigotry can we protect against their recurrence. Research into the processes of indoctrination, into the concomitant methods, levels and forms of social control will provide educators, psychologists, sociologists, and statesmen with insights into the methods of the Nazis and a means of arming against them.
HENRY KROUL, 1900-1978
A Biography of the Collector
Henry Abraham Kroul was born in Poland, probably in 1900, to a prosperous Jewish family from the Lodz region. As a child he was given a thorough grounding in Hebrew and the Torah.
Henry came to New York in 1921, where he became an architect. In 1942 he was inducted into the United States Army Air Corps with the rank of Staff Sergeant. He was assigned to an intelligence division, where his love of maps and knowledge of Europe made him invaluable.
In 1943, just before his unit embarked for England, Henry married Leni Weizenkorn. He took part in both the Normandy Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. In 1945 his unit entered Germany across the Remagen Bridge, advancing to Nuremberg, where they remained until V-E Day.
Off duty, Henry explored his surroundings. Initially taken with the architecture and historic sites, he became increasingly interested in books, particularly those of Nazi origin. With his gun and a duffel bag of K-rations and candy he wandered about the countryside. Using his rations and candy for barter, he gradually amassed a substantial number of books. By war's end, he had assembled his own documentary witness to the unspeakable.
As his collection grew, he refined its scope. In a letter home he explained, "I have been wanting to get textbooks used by the Nazis in elementary schools. From a certain point of view these are probably greater curiosities than the books for the oldsters." [Letters, May 2, 1945] His recognition of the importance of these books to future generations shaped the mission that remains our purpose in supporting the collection today.
Hofstra University is proud to carry on his work by making these materials available to scholars and educational institutions in the hope that they will serve to make us more keenly aware of the processes of indoctrination on which the Holocaust was built.
In 1969, the Krouls decided to open a bookstore in their little town of Cragsmoor. To help start the business, Henry and Leni decided to sell the Nazi materials. True to his original purpose in gathering them, the Krouls offered the collection to a number of university libraries. Hofstra University, responding to both the offer and his ideals, purchased the collection in 1969.
Henry Kroul died in May of 1978.
Adolf Hitler ein Mann und sein Volk/Adolf Hitler, a Man and His People. Illustrierte Beobachter. Photographs. Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachf., 1936. Hitler, Adolf; Propaganda. 92 pp. III.
Aurich, Ernst. Die Geschichte der deutschen Westgrenze/The History of the German Western Border. Source materials. Leipzig: Quelle und Meter, 1943. Bausteine f(r Geschichtesunterricht und national politische Schulung. History: Education. 153 pp.
Bäumler, Alfred. Bildung und Gemeinschaft/Education and Community. Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1942. Education. 279 pp.
Bauer, Albert. Vererbungslehre, Rassen, Bevölkerungs, und Familienkunde: für die Abschlussklasse der Mittelstuffe höherer Lehranstalten/Genetics, Race, Population and Genealogy: For the Final Class in the Middle Level of the Secondary School. Maps, charts, tables. Leipzig: Freytag, 1934. Racism; Genetics; Genealogy; Demographics. 78 pp. III.
Beck, Friedrich. Der Aufgang des Germanischen Weltalters/The Emergence of the Germanic Age. Bibliography. Bochum: Beldmueller, 1944. History; Education. 292 pp. Includes a stamp from Spielmeyers Lending Library in Goettingen and a bibliography of the author's works.
Belstier, Albert. Sondwendfeier: Eine Sammlung von Feuerspreuchen Bekenntnissen Liedern und chorischen Feiern/Seasonal Celebrations: A Collection of Camp Fire Sayings, Beliefs, Songs, and Choral Arrangements. Vienna: Deutsche Verlag für Jugend und Volk, 1940. Music; Education. 80 pp. Stamped, "Schulvorstand M(nster."
Bernhardi, Dietrich. Das Hakenkreuz/The Swastika. Leipzig: Fritsch, 1933. Political Science; Mythology. 31pp.
Blessinger, Karl. Judentum und Musik; Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Rassenpolitik/Judaism and Music; an Essay on Cultural and Racial Politics. Berlin: Hahnefeld, 1944. Music; Jews; Anti-Semitism. 156 pp.
Bouhler, Phillipp. Kampf um Deutschland: ein Lesebuch für die deutsche Jugend/Struggle for Germany: a Reader for German Youth. Berlin: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1939. Readers; Education; History; Youth, 107 pp.
Brewitz, Walther. Von Abraham bis Rathenau; 4000 Jahre deutsch Geschichte/From Abraham to Rathenau; 4000 Years of German History. Germany: Privately published, 1935. Jews; Anti-Semitism. 247 pp. Illustrations of Jewish leaders throughout history.
Deutsches Lesebuch für Oberschulen und Gymnasium Vierter Band/German Reader for High School and Academy, Fourth Level. Behne, Walter [hrsg]. Hamburg: Paul Hartung. 1940-1942. Readers; Education. 312 pp.
Deutsches Schicksal im Saarpfalischen Raum; Lesestoffe für das 5. bis 8. Schuljahr/The German Fate in the Saar Region; Readings for the 5th through 8th School Year. Saarbrücken: NSZ Rheinfront Verlagsgesellschaft. n.d. Eriebte deutsche Welt. Culture; History; Readers; Westmark. 2pp. Ill. Stamped, "Volksschule Rodemachern."
Deutsches Lesebuch für Jungen/German Reader for Youth. Meinshausen, Hans [hrsg]. Frankfurt-am-Main: Friedrich Leip, 1939. Education; Readers. Stamped, "Wolfgram Klingenberg. Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Friesenheimstr. 96," "Gymnasium Metz."
Deutsches Lesebuch für höhere Schulen. Ausgabe für Jungen /German Reader for Universities; Issues for Youth. Third Level. Kalbach, Wilhelm [hrsg]. Berlin: WeidmannischeVerlag. 1940. Education; Readers. 248pp. Stamped, "Gymnasium Metz."
Deyerling, Ludwig von [hrsg]. Der Weltkampf, Monatshrift für Weltpolitik volkischer Kultur und die Judenfrage in aller Welt/World Struggle; Magazine for World Politics of Folkish Culture and the Jewish Question in the Whole World. H. Meyer-Frank, Johann v Leers, Carl Peters, and Hermann Böhme, Contributors. Photos. Munich: Deutsche Volksverlag, c. 1939. Global Politics; Judaism; Anti-semitism. 22 pp. [pp. 434-456], III.
Dokumente der Deutschen Politik, Grossdeutschland 1938/Documents of German Politics; Greater Germany, 1938. Maps and tables. Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1941. Political Science. 396 pp. III.
Eggers, Kurt. Deutsches Bekenntnis/German Declaration. Berlin: Lichterfelde, 1934. Political Science. 31 pp. Stamped, "Städt. Volksbucherei Goettingen."
Ellenbeck, Hans. Die Verantwortung des deutschen Offiziers/The Responsibility of German Officers. Leipzig: Johannes Detke, 1941. Military; Education. 29 pp.
Erbt, Wilhelm. Weltgeschichte auf rassischer Grundlage Morgenland, Mittelmeer, Abendland und Nordland bis zur Gegenwart/World History on a Racial Basis Primeval Times, Orient, Mediterranean, the West, and the North: to the Present. Leipzig: Armanen, 1924. Racism; History, World; Anti-Semitism. 360 pp. Bibliography, six plates, maps. Stamped, "Eigentum der Stadtschule Bad Sooden Allendorf." A foreword from the first edition is included in this volume. A second, enlarged edition appeared in1934.
Europa, Handbuch der politischen, wirtschaftlichen, und kulturellen Entwicklung des neuen Europa/Europe: Handbook for the Political, Economic, and Cultural Development of the New Europe. Deutsches Institut f(r Aussenpolitische Forschung, [hrsg]. Leipzig: Helingsche Verlagsanstalt, 1943. Political Science. 319 pp. Ill. Foreword by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop.
Ewiges Volk. Ein Lesebuch f(r höhere Schulen/Everlasting People: a Reader for Universities. E. Sablotny hrsg]. U. Schmudde. Erster Band. Index. Plates. Leipzig: Quelle und Meyer, 1940-1943. Nos.l-8. Readers; Education. 310 pp. Stamped, "Gymnasium Metz."
Fritsch,Theodor. Handbuch der Judenf'rage: Die wichtigsten Tatsacken zur Beurteilung des Jüdischen Volkes/Handbook on the Jewish Question: The Most Important Facts for a Judgment of the Jewish People. Leipzig: Hammer, 1937. Anti-Semitism; Racism. 564 pp.
Fröhlicher Anfang. Fibel für Lothingen/Happy Beginnings; Primer for Lothingen. Karl Eckhardt. Adolf L(llwitz. Saarbrucken: Buchgewerbehaus, 1941. Readers; Education. 82 pp.
Galera, Carl Siegmar. Deutschlands Schicksalweg 1919-1939, Nachschlagewerk zur deutschen Geschichte/Germany's Road to Destiny: A Reference Book for German History. Detailed timeline, Berlin: Paul Hochmuch, 1940. History; Weimar. 352 pp.
Graf, Jacob. Vererbungslehre, Rassenkunde und Erbgesundheitspflege: Einfurung nach methodischen Grundsätzen/Heredity laws. Race Science and Sound Breeding; Introduction to Methodological Fundamentals. III. Tables. Munich: J. F. Lehmanns, 1934. Racism; Eugenics; Anti-Semitism. 314 pp. III. Stamped, "Volkstaat Hessen; Schulvorstand M(nster und Dieburg."
Grube, Frank & Gerhard Richter. Alltag in Dritten Reich: So leben die Deutschen 1933-l935 Everyday in the Third Reich; How the Germans Lived 1933-1945. Hamburg; Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 1982. Social History; Germany -- Social Life and Customs; World War [1939-1945). 192 pp. 152m. Contains a chronology of important events, 1933-1945.
Grunsky, Hans. Der Einbruch des Judentums in die Philosophie/The Breakthrough of Judaism into Philosophy. Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt, 1937. Schriften der Deutschen Hochschule f(r Politik ed. Paul Meier-Benneckenstein. Anti-Semitism; Philosophy; Judaism. 36 pp. Booklet 14, from the series: Schriften der Deutschen Hochschule f(r Politik. Stamped, "Akadem. Lesesalle (E.V.) Goettingen."
Günther, Hans. Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes/Ethnology of the German People. 580 photos 29 maps. Munich: Lehmanns, 1933. Ethnology; Racism; Anti-Semitism. 509 PP.III Stamped, "Eigentum der Stadtschule Bad Soden-Allendorf."
Hansen, Jörgen et al. Vom Grossdeutschen Reich, von Europa und der (brigen Welt/On the Greater German Reich; on Europe and the Rest of the World. Photos. Illustrations. Berlin: Deutscher Schulverlag, 1943. Education; Geography. 224 pp. Stamped, "NSDAP/Hitler Jugend. Gebiet Kurhessen/14. KLV-Gebietskammer. Grebenstein/Bezirk Kasse." The designation, "KLV" shows that this volume was used in school camps set aside for children evacuated from German cities after Allied bombing raids were stepped up.
Herpel, Martin. Germanische Religion/Germanic Religion. Plates. Illustrations. Berlin: Brehm, 1934. Religion; Education. 29 pp.
Herrmann-Köhn's Lebenskunde für Mittelschulen/Herrmann-Köhn's Biology for Middle Schools. F. Hermann. [hrsg]. W. Köhn. Fünf Hefte. Frankfurt-am-Main: Diesterweg, 1940-1943. Nos. 1-5. Education. Biology. Stamped, "Städt. Mittelschule Witzenhausen." Signed. "Erhard Hofmeister."
Hitler.Adolf. Mein Kampf/My Struggle. Inscription Frontis. Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1936. Hitler, Adolf; Essays: Dictators. 781 pp. Inscribed: "Dem jungvermählen, Paare, Friedrich Döll & Anna Döll, gebornen Schmidt. Mit den besten W(nschen f(r eine gluckliche und gesegnete Ehe uberreicht von der Gemeindeverwaltlung Niederwollstadt am 6.9.1936." Signed. "Der Burgermeister ...[illegible signature]." Stamped, "Volksstaat Hessen. Burgermeisterei Nieder-Wollstadt."
Hohmann, Walter and Wilhelm Schiefer. Volk und Reich der Deutschen [Series] Vier Bände. Frankfurt-am-Main: Otto Salle, 1943. [From Volume #l] Von F(hrern und Helden Erzahlungen aus der deutschen Geschichte von Hans Reppich/On Leaders and Heroes Tales of German History from Hans Reppich, [through #7]: Von der Deutschen Ostsiedlung bis zu den Anfangen Bismarcks/From the German Settlement of the East until the Beginning of Bismarck]. History; Education. 143pp. Ill. Stamped, "Gymnasium Metz"
Ich will dir was erzahlen. Erstes Lesebuch fur die Kinder des Hessenlandes/l Will Tell You What; First Reader for the Children of Hessen. Wilhelm Heide. Illustrations by Andreas Meier. Fourth edition. Braunschweig: Westermann, 1942. Readers; Education. 97 pp. III.
lhde, Wilhelm. Los von England, Der Deutsche Abwehrkampf gegen Englands wirtschaftliche Weltmachtsherstellung in der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts/Free of England; the German Resistance against England's Build-up of Economic World Power in the First Half of the 19th Century. Tables. Berlin: Luhe, c. 1940. England; Economics; Nationalism. 249 pp.
Iwo. Jack. Göbbels erobert die Welt/Göbbels' Conquest of the World. Paris: Editions du Phenix, 1936. Göbbels; Nationalism. Ill pp.
Karstadt, Otto. Diktate fur einen volksnahen und lebensvollen Rechtschreibunterricht/Dictation for a Popular and Energetic Penmanship Instruction. 1. Teil Unterricht und Mittelstufe bis 6. Schuljahr. Osterwieck: Zickfeldt, 1936. Penmanship; Education. 191 pp.
Klagges, Dietrich. Geschichtsunterricht als nationalpolitische Erziehung/History Instruction as National Political Education. Frankfurt-am-Main: Dieterweg, 1936. Education; History; Nationalism. 441 pp. Stamped, "Reichsinstitut fur Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands."
Klagges, Dietrich. So ward das Reich, Ausgabe fur Volksschulen/Thus Was the Reich Created. Klasse 6, 7, und 8. Fritz Stoll, [hrsg.]; bearb. Von Heinrich Blume. Frankfurt-am-Main: Diesterweg, 1943. History; Education. 255 pp. Stamped , "Schulvorstand Munster."
Klagges, Dietrich. So ward das Reich, deutsche Geschichte für die Jugend/Thus was the Reich Created; German History for the Young. Frankfurt-am-Main: Diesterweg, 1941. History; Education. 372 pp.
Klemmt, Alfred. Wissenschaft und Philosophie im dritten Reich/Science and Philosophy in the Third Reich. Paul Beimeckenstein. ed. Booklet 32. Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt, 1938. German University for Politics. Universities and Colleges; Education; Science; National Socialism. Series. 35 pp. Stamped, "Akademische Lesesalle (E.V.) Goettingen."
Köhler, Bernhard. Das dritte Reich unter dem Kapitalismus/The Third Reich under Capitalism. Frankfurt-am-Main: c. 1933. Political Science; Capitalism. 30 pp. [Vortrag gehalten im Auftrage der nationalsozialistischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur standische Wirtschaftsgestaltung am 29 Juli, 1933/Lecture given on the order of the National Socialist Work Society for Standard Economic Organization.]
Krieck, Ernst. Nationalpolitische Erziehung/National Political Education. Leipzig: Armanen, 1933. Nationalism; Education. 108 pp. Stamped, "Volksschule. Gross-Zimmern."
Kumsteller, Dietrich. Der Weg zum Grossdeutschen Reich/The Road to a Greater German Reich. Vier Bände, 5. Klasse. Series: Volk und F(hrer; Geschichte f(r Mittelschulen, bearb. KarI Grunwald. Frankfurt-am-Main, Diesterweg, 1943. Education; History. 232 pp. Stamped, "Stadt. Mittelschule, Witzenhausen."
Kumsteller, Dietrich. Arier und Germanen/Aryans and Teutons. Vier Bände, 2. Klasse. Series: Volk und Fuhrer: Geschichte f(r Mittelschulen, bearb. E. Nickel und Heinz Prokert. Frankfurt-am-Main: Diesterweg, 1942. History; Education. 164 pp.
Kumsteller, Dietrich. Deutsches Ringen um Freiheit und Einheit/The German Struggle for Freedom and Unity. Vier Bände, 4. Klasse. Volk und Fuhrer: Geschichte fur Mittelschulen, bearb. Heinz Prokert. Frankfurt-am-Main: Diesterweg, 1942. History; Education. 209 pp. Signed, "Ruth Freitag."
Ollivier, Blandine. Jeunesse Fasciste/Fascist Youth. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. Fascism; Education; Italy; Mussolini; Youth. 253 pp. Signed by the author.
Pastenaci, Kurt. Das viertausendjahrige Reich der Deutschen/The Four Thousand Year Reich of the Germans. Charts, maps, and illustrations. Berlin: Nordland, 1940. Nationalism; National Socialism. 350 pp. III. Index. Bibliography.
Paumgartten, Karl. Juda: Kritische Betrachtungen über das Wesen und Wirken des Judentums/Critical Observations on the Ways and Activities of Judaism. Leipzig: Leopold Stocker, 1936. Judaism; Anti-Semitism. 256 pp. III. Stamped, "Buchhandlung Spielmeyers Goettingen, Strasse der SA 53."
Die Protokolle Zions: Das Programm der internationalen Geheimregierung/The Protocols of Zion; The Program of the International Secret Government. Conclusion by Theodor Fritsch, Sixteenth edition. Leipzig: Hammer, 1935. Zionism; Judaism; Anti-semitism. 80 pp.
Riefenstahl, Leni. Schön im Olympischen Kampf/Beauty in the Olympic Contest. Photos. Berlin: Deutschen Verlag, 1937. Olympic Games, 1936; Photography; Film. 281 pp. Ill. Photo essay on the 1936 Olympic Games with a brief overview of Riefenstahl's production of the motion picture documentary of the same event.
Rosenberg, Alfred. Der Mythus des 20. ]ahrhunderts/The Myth of' the Twentieth Century. Index, Munich, Hoheneichen, 1938. Anti-Semitism. 712 pp. Stamped, "Reichsinstitut für Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands."
Rosenberg, Alfred. Die Spur des Juden im Wandel der Zeiten/The Mark of the Jews in the Changes of the Times. Fourth edition. Munich: Zentralveriag der NSDAP, 1939. Anti-Semitism; Jews. 154 pp. Stamped, "Gemeindebucherei Rademachern."
Schirach, Baldur. Revolution der Erziehung: Reden aus den Jahren des Aufbaus/Revolution of Education; Speeches from the Year of Reconstruction. Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1943. Hitler Youth; Education. 230 pp.
Schmidt, Friedrich. Das Reich als Aufgabe/The Reich as a Duty. Berlin: Nordland, 1940. Nationalism. 80 pp.
Schultze-Pfalzer, Gerhard. Hindenburg und Hitler zur Führung vereint/Hindenburg and Hitler Come to an Understanding on Leadership. Three parts in one volume. Photos with captions. Berlin: Stollber, 1933. Hindenburg; Hitler, Adolf.
Schumacher, Rupert v. Deutschland Fibel, Volk Raum Reich/Germany Primer: People -- Territory -- Empire. Preface by Karl Haushofer. Maps. Tables. Berlin: "Offenses Worte," c. 1936. Education; Nationalism. 127 pp. III.
Siemens, Hermann. Grundzüge der Vererbungslehre: Rassenhysiene und Bevolkerungspolitik/Characteristics of the Laws of Heredity; Eugenics and the Politics of Population. Tables; glossary; index; illustrations; bibliography. Munich: Lehmanns, 1937. Eugenics; Racism; Anti-Semitism. 203 pp. III.
Spengler, Oswald. Neubaudes deutschen Reiches/Reconstruction of the German Reichs. Munich: Beck'sche, 1924. Nationalism; History. 104 pp.
Stegmüller, Alfred. Deutsche Geschichte, Lernbehelf für die Reifeprufung/German History: Learning Aid for the Final Examination. 1. Teil. lnnsbruch:Universitäts-Verlag, 1944. Leitfadender Geschichte. History; Education.
Strasser, Otto. Die deutsche Bartholomäusnacht/The German [Massacre of] St. Bartholomew's Night. Zurich: Reso, 1935. History; Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Night. 241 pp.
Unser Familienbuch/Our Family Book. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Charts. Berlin: Dr. von Arnim, c. 1941. Genealogy, 60 pp. Heavy paper, some pages cream with brown ink, light yellow swastika in center. Others on heavy brown stock for photos, etc. Contents: Intro by Hitler; "Familie and Volksgesundheit" by Conti, et al; 'Die Familie in der rassenpolitik Deutschlands" by Walter Gross; "Deutsches Muttertum'' by Gertrud Scholtz-Klink; "Auslese des Reichsbundes deutsche Familie" by Robert Kaise; Dark Red Cloth with White Swastika and lettering.
Van den Bruck, Möller. Das dritte Reich/The Third Reich. Hans von Schwarz [hrsg]. Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlag, c. 1933. Dictators; Speeches; Essays. 248 pp. Stamped, "National-sozialistischer Lehrerbund. Kreis Goettingenland."
Vogel, Alfred. Erblehre und Rassenkunde in bildlicher Darstellung, Racial Biology and Ethnology in Pictorial Presentation History. Graphic Reproduction by Eberhard Braucht, Illustrated Posters. Stuttgart: Verlag fur nationale Literatur Gebr. Rath, 1938. Anti-Semitism; Education; Racism; Ethnology. 71 posters. III.
Wedepohl, Karl [hrsg]. Deutschland uber Alles: Losungsbuch der deutschen Jugend/Germany above All: Register for German Youth The Führer and His Work. Vol. II "Ein Führer Ersteht Kampfjahre. 1938/A Fuhrer Arises: Campaign 1938." Vienna: Deutscher Verlag fur Jugend und Volk, 1940. Youth; Education; Propaganda. 164 pp. Quotations for each month and day of the year. Stamped, "Schulvorstand Münster."
Zimmerman, Karl. Deutsche Geschichte aus Rassenschicksal/German History of Racial Destiny. Leipzig: Quelle und Meyer, 1933. Racism; Nationalism; Germany History; Anti-Semitism. 178 pp. Stamped, "Akademische Lesesalle (E.V.) Goettingen."
A Very Special Collection
One might well ask what possible reason or reasons there could be for wanting to gather, protect, and enlarge a collection of books, pamphlets, posters, pictures, and other materials manufactured by the creators of the most hateful, violent, and humanly destructive regime ever produced by Western Civilization. In short, materials which were directed at inculcating the hatred on which that regime had fed and by which they tried to conquer the world.
To that serious question one might add the devout wish that, as the Nazi regime had to be extirpated by amassing the greatest armed force ever organized, so also should the physical manifestations of their ideologies and their methods of spreading them be swept into "the dustbin of history" and placed beyond the reach of mortals, lest they come to life again.
For one such as myself, who experienced the Nazi regime at first hand, and who in recent years has come to know and value the Hofstra University Collections of Nazi Culture and Propaganda, such questions come quite naturally to mind.
But a moment's reflection will reveal that there are indeed many sound reasons for accumulating and maintaining a thorough and complete documentation of the content and the methods by which the Nazi regime developed and spread its doctrines of hatred, especially among the young in the institutions of education.
There is, to begin with, the over-arching logic of the nature of University libraries and of their role in the advancement of knowledge. By that logic alone the only admissible rule for these storehouses of knowledge is the one of inclusiveness to the fullest extent permissible. Thus, even though the acquisition of this special collection was initially fortuitous and almost accidental, its presence at Hofstra marks our library as singular and distinctive.
Beyond that there are a number of other, critical reasons for our custody of these materials:
First, there is no possibility of eliminating despicable, hateful, or dangerous ideas from among mankind by eradicating their manifestations in books, films, or other media. To the extent that and because such hatreds can themselves not be eradicated, they will always manifest themselves in some physical form. On that ground alone the most useful course is one of full familiarity with that which is most evil amongst us.
Second, the development of morally superior ideas and practices among mankind depends critically upon knowledge of their opposites, in exactly the manner that representations or descriptions of sin or sinful acts reveal the contents of decency, redemption, and salvation, and point the way to their achievement. Morality, be it religious, communal, or political, has always relied upon understanding the character of evil.
Third, one may visualize the matter in a medical analogy: Consider that the Nazi regime's practices and ideas represent a viral infection of the "human moral fiber" or a disease of the "human capacity for goodness." Medical science long ago discovered that viruses and other diseases can be eradicated by serums drawn from the very illness one is combating. But the germ or virus causing the disease must be kept alive, as in the case of poliomyelitis, for the purpose of manufacturing the serum by which the disease's manifestations are eliminated. In the face of the upsurge of Neo-Nazism, public familiarity with its past is nothing less than compelling, even as the revival of tuberculosis, once thought to have been eradicated, calls for renewed effort to apply the once successful treatment.
Finally, the collections' special character should be noted: an unusually large proportion of their holdings consists of materials designed to teach Nazi ideas and practices to children and young adults in public schools. The courses and lessons are carefully written and planned. They are articulated according to the prevailing pedagogical methods and are characteristic of techniques of indoctrination. These many books, pamphlets, posters, lesson plans, photographs, and other paraphernalia of instruction reveal more fully than mere description ever could, the moral, scientific, and political corruption of education practiced by the Nazi regime. This carefully managed collection of material reminders of a terrifying era presents compelling proof of the linkage between the evils of the Nazi regime and the concomitant debasement of their schools and their pupils.
It is vitally important for present-day and future educators to know that both the substance and the methods of their teaching are grounded on fundamental precepts of morality, and that the corruption or debasement of these precepts have the most grievous consequences for the institutions, students, and society they are committed to serve. Only through an understanding of the processes of that corruption can we hope to protect ourselves against its recurrence.
For all of these reasons, Hofstra University is strongly committed to the preservation, development, and protection of this invaluable resource. We take pride in its possession and commend it to your thoughtful and generous support.
Herbert D. Rosenbaum, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Hofstra University
Astel, Präsident Prof. Dr. med. Karl. Rassendämmerung and ihre Meisterung durch Geist und Tot als Schicksalsfrage der weissen Völker/Twilight of the Races and their Mastery through Spirit and Death as the fateful issue of the White Races. Volume I. Graphs and Charts. Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher Nachf., n.d. [post 1934]. Schriftenreiheder N. S. Monatschefte. Racism; Science; Nationalsozialistiche Wissenschaft. 32 pp.
Ausstellung Münchner Künstler/Exhibit Catalog of Munich: Art. Exhibit Catalog featuring Nazi-approved art and sculpture Produced by Kameradschatt der Künstler München E.V. Munich: Knorr & Hirth, 1943. Art; Sculpture; Culture; Germany History 1917-1933. 88 pp. Ill. Bookplate is ornamented with a swastika.
Bauer, Elvira. Trau keinem Fuchs auf gruener Heid und keinem Jud be seinem Eid/Trust No Fox on the Green Heath and No Jew at His Oath! Anti-Semitic caricatures. Nürnberg; Stürmer Verlag, 1936. Anti-Semitism; Children?s Literature. Streicher, Julius; Stürmer Verlag. n.p. Ill. Suettelin Script.
Beck, Dr. Heinrich. Das Grosse AGFA Arbeit-Handbuch/The Great AGFA Labor Handbook. Hans Westendorp. Berlin: Photokino-Verlag Hellmut Eisner K. 1939. AGFA; Photography; Germany. 366 pp. Index; illustrations.
Berger, Prof. H. Christentum und Materialismus, Das wahre Gesicht der Katholischen Kirche/Christianity and Materialism; The True History of the Catholic Church. Munich: Ludendorffs Verlag, 1937. Propaganda, Catholicism, 109 pp.
Bona, Kurt. Der Mensch der germanisch-deutschen Fruezheit/People of the Early Germanic-Teutonic Time Period. Unter Mit wir Kung von Ludwig Pohnert. Photographs. Vienna: Ostmaerkischer Landesverlag, 1942. History;Racism. 375 pp.
Bücherkunde, Bibliography. Bayreuth:Gauverlag Bayerische Ostmark, 1935-. Bibliography, Literature, Ill. Prepared under the auspices of the Office for Writing by the Leadership Commission for the complete intellectual and ideological education of the NSDAP and the the Reich's authority on the furtherance of German writing [60 issues].
Chan-Magomedow, Selim O. Pioniere der sowjetischen Architektur, Entwicklung im ersten Jahrzehnt des Bestandes 1920-1930/Pioneers of Soviet Architecture Evolution in Its First Decade of Existence, 1920-1930. Afterword and notes by Harry Zohn, Photos, drawings, blueprints. Berlin: Loecker Verlag, 1938. Architecture; Russia; Soviet Union, 1917-1932. 6 pp. III. Commission for the complete intellectual and ideological education of the NSDAP and the Reich?s authority on the furtherance of German writing.
Darre, R. Walther. Das Bauerntum als Lebensquell der Nordischen Rasse/The Peasantry as the Living Source of the Nordic Race. Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, c. 1936. Racism; Anti-semitism; Race Discrimination. 493pp. Stamped: "Rassenpolitisches Amt" and "Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Ärztebund e. D."
Das ist Amerika/This is America. Cartoons. Photos. Berlin/Leipzig: Nibelungen Verlag, c. 1940. Anti-semitism; Anti-Americanism; Propaganda; Roosevelt, Franklin D. 64pp.
Die Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft im Kampfgegen den judischen Geist/German Jurisprudence in the Struggle against the Jewish Spirit. Berlin: Deutscher Rechts-Verlag Das Judentum in der Rechtswissenschaft. Anti-Semitism; Judaism; Jurisprudence; Racism; Nationalism. 35 pp. Vol. I in a series.
Die Greuelpropaganda ist eine Lügenpropaganda Sagen die deutschen Juden Selbst/Atrocity Propaganda is Based on Lies Say the Jews of Germany Themselves. Jakow Trachtenberg. Berlin-Charlottenberg: Jakow Trachtenberg Verlag, 1933. Propaganda; Anti-Semitism; Nationalism; 142 pp.
Die Juden in Deutschland/The Jews in Germany. Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage. Munich: Verlag Franz Eher, 1936. Anti-semitism; Judaism; Nationalism. 416 pp.
Dresler, Dr. Adolf, ed. Deutsche Kunst und Entartete 'Kunst'/German Art and Degenerate 'Art'. Photographs; Art works. Munich: Deutscher Volksverlag, 1938. Art, Modern German; Art, classical. 80 pages. Ill. Comparison of traditional and abstract art. Analysis of the "degenerate art" exhibit.
Duerre, Konrad. Erbbiologischer und Rassenhygienischer Wegweiser für Jedermann/Heredity and Racial Hygiene Guide for Everyone. Berlin: Alfred Metzner Verlag, c 1936. Racism; Anti-Semitism. 95 pp. Charts and Diagrams.
Gliksman, Shlomo. Forgeries and Falsifications in the Anti-Semitic Literature And, My Lawsuit against Julius Streicher & Co. New York: People's Institute for Dissemination of Biblical and Talmudic Jurisprudence Jus Judaicum. Anti-semitism; Streicher, Julius; Jurisprudence. 96 pp.
Graf, Dr. Jakob. Familienkunde und Rassenbiologie für Schüler/Genealogy and Race Biology for Schools. Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1934. Eugenics; Genealogy; Anti-Semitism. 141 pp. Grundmann, Dr. Walter. Germanentum, Chnstentum & Judentum, Studien zur Erforschung ihres gegenseitigen Verhältnisses/Germanity, Christianity, and Judaism; Studies on the Investigation of their Oppositive Condition. Leipzig: Verlag Georg Wigand, 1942. Christianity; Judaism; Aryanism; Nationalism. 416 pp. Index. Stamped, "Adolf Hitler Schule, Köln-Aachen Bücherei."
Heidegger, Martin. Was Ist Metaphysik?, What is Metaphysics? Fr. Rudolf Weigl. Frankfurt-am-Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1943. Philosophy. 31 pp.
Hiemer, Ernst. Der Giftpitz, Ein Stürmerbuch für jung und alt/The Poisoned Mushroom; a Stürmer Book for Young and Old. [Julius Streicher]. Nürnberg: Verlag der Stürmer, 1933. Anti-Semitism; Juvenile Literature; Streicher, Julius.
Hildebrandt, Prof. Dr Wilhelm. Rassenmischung und Krankheit/Racial Mingling and Ill Health. Forward Dr. Med. Kurt KIare. Photos, Charts. Stuttgart-Leipzig: Hippokrates-Verlag, 1935. Racism; Anti-semitism; Nationalism. 122 pp. III.
Insel Almanach auf das Goethe jahr 1932 [-1939]/Insel Almanac for the Goethe Year, 1932 [-1939], Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1932. Goethe; Literature; Almanac. 223 pp. III.
Kaiser, Fritz. Entarte "Kunst"/Degenerate "Art." Berlin: Verlag fur Kulture und Wirtschaftswerbung, 1972. Art Germany, and Cultural Policy; Exhibitions [Catalog]. Ill. Facsimile of the original exhibition catalog. With English guide.
Kellerbauer, Walther. Über nordische Gotterkenntnis der religiose Inhalt arteigenen Glaubens/On the Nordic Hierology; The Religious Content Characteristic of the Faith. Nordland: Verlag zu Magdeburg, 1934. Aryanism; Religion. 14 pp.
Kirkpatrick, Clifford. Nazi Germany Its Women and Family Life. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1938. Germany; Family; Women; National Socialism. 353 pp. Ill.
Klee, Prof. Dr. Judentum und Strafrecht/Judaism and Punishment. Prof. Dr. Siegert. Berlin: Deutscher Rechts-Verlag, n.d. Series: Das Judentum in der Rechtswissenschaft/Judaism in Jurisprudence. Anti-Semitism; Jurisprudence; German Culture. 38 pp.
Kommoss, Dr. Rudolf. Juden hinter Stalin, die jüdische Vormachtstellung in der Sowjetunion auf Grund arntlicher Sowjetquellen dargestellt/Jews behind Stalin; the Jewish Hegemony in the Soviet Union on the Background and Origins of the Soviet Expansion. Photos. Berlin: Nibelungen-Verlag, 1942. Anti-Semitism; Soviet Union; Communism. 235 pp. m.
Krainz, Othmar. Juda Entdeckt Amerika/Judaism Discovers America. Gertrud Niegisch, [ed]. Leipzig: Deutscher Hort-Verlag, 1938. Anti-Semitism; America. 224 pp.
Kunst im Deutschen Reich/Art in the German Reich. Munich: Zentralverlag Der NSDAP. Assorted issues, June-November, 1940 and February, 1944. Art; Germany, Social Life and Culture. III.
Leers, Dr. V. And Dr. M. Mikorey. Judentum und Verbrechen/Jews and Crime. Berlin: Deutscher Rechts-Verlag, n.d. Series: Judentum in der Rechtswissenschaft. Anti-Semitism; Crime; Jurisprudence. 82 pp.
Lenz, Dr. Fritz. Die Rasse als Wertprinzip, Zur Emeurerung der Ethik/Race as Principle; Toward the Revival of the Ethic. Munich: I. F. Lehmans Verlag, 1917. Anti-Semitism; Racism. 48 pp.
Ley, Robert. Wir Alle helfen dem Fuehrer. Deutschland braucht jedem Deutschen/We All Help the Führer; Germany Needs Every German. Photographs. [Written by the leader of the Labor Party]. Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachf, 1937. Dictators; Essays; Youth Movements Germany; Education. 230 pp. III. Stamped, "Reichsinstitut für Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands. Bücherei."
Losener, Dr. jur. Bernhard. Die Nürnberger Gesetze über das Reichsbürgerrecht and den Schuss des deutschen Blutes and der deutschen Ehre/The Nurnberg Laws over the German Civil Code and the Rapid Rise of the German Blood and the German Honor. Dr. jur. Friedrich A. Knost. Genealogical forms. Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1936. Jurisprudence; Anti-Semitism; Jews; Racism. 106 pp.
Ludendorff, Erich. Das Geheimnis der Jesuitenmacht und ihr Ende/The Secret of the Jesuits Power and their Goals. Mathilde Ludendorff. Munich: Ludendorffs Verlag, c. 1934. Catholic Church Controversial Literature; Jesuits; Controversial Literature. 192 pp.
Mann, Erika. School for Barbarians; Education Under the Nazis. Introduction by Thomas Mann. London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1939. Education; Nazism; Nationalism; Anti-Semitism. 162 pp. Ill.
Materna, Alois. Das dritte Testament, Ersatz des Sozialismus, durch Volkommeneres, und Ausscheidung aller Judenhaftigkeit aus dem modernen Wirtschaftsleben/The Third Testament; . Alternatives to Socialism through Complete Segregation, and the Exclusion of the Entire Jewish Race from Modern Economies. Frankenstein: Ausgabe für Deutschland, 1931. Socialism; Anti-Semitism. 36 pp.
Miller, Alfred. "Wissenschaft" im Dienste der Dunkelmänner/Science in the Service of the Obscurantists. Leipzig: Verlag Theodor Fritsch [jun.], c. 1935. Rosenberg, Alfred 1893 -1946; National Socialism; Propaganda. 106 pp.
Nadler, Josef. Literaturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes/Literary History of the German People. Berlin: Im Propylaen Verlag, 1939. German culture; Literature. 4 Vols.
Oppermann, Prof. Th.[ed]. Volk und Welt, Die Grosszeitschrift der Anspruchvollen/Nation and World; The Grand Periodical for the Discriminating. Hannover-Kirchrode: Th. Oppermann Verlag, 1939. Photography; Culture. 176 pp. Ill.
Praeger, Ludwig. Nationalsozialismus gegen Liberalismus/National Socialism Compared to Liberalism. Ludwig Praeger. Herausgeber: Gottfried Feder. Munich: Verlag Franz. Eher Nachf., 1933. National Socialism; Liberalism. 55 pp.
Rassenhygiene/Race Hygiene. Suddeutsche Monatshefte. [Offprint]. Germany, Mar. 1928. Racism; Health; Anti-Semitism. 71 pp.
Read, Anthony. Kristallnacht, The Nazi Night of Terror. David Fisher. Index. Photos. Bibliography. New York: Random House, 1989. Kristallnacht; National Socialism; Anti-Semitism. 291 pp.
Rosenberg, Alfred. Protestantische Rompilger, Der Verrat an Luther und der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts/The Protestant Pilgrims to Rome; the Treason against Luther and the Myth of the Twentieth Century. Munich: Hoheneichen Verlag, 1937. Anti-Semitism; Anti-Catholicism; Nationalism. 86pp.
Rudolf, E. V. von. Georg Ritter von Schönerer; The Father of Political Anti-Semitism. Photos, facsimile letters. Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1936. Anti-Semitism. 140 pp. III.
Schnass, Dr. Franz v. Nationalsozialistische Heimat und Erdkunde/National Socialist Homeland and Geography. Race chart; Stamp of the High School for Teacher Development. Bayreuth, Osterwiedam Harz: A. W. Zidfeldt, 1934. Geography; Racism; Nationalism. 200 pp.
Schultz-Naumburg, Paul. Künst and Rasse/Art and Race. Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1928. Racism; Race Discrimination; Anti-Semitism. 142 pp. Index, Photos..Schwarz, Hermann. Grundzuge einer Geschichte der art deutschen Philosophie/Foundations in the History of German Race Philosophy. Paul Meier Bennechenstein, ed. Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt Verlag, 1937. Racism; Ethnology.
Strack, Hermann. Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde Und Blutritus/Blood Superstition in Mankind; Sacrifice and Ritual. Munich: C. H. Beckische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1892. Anti-Semitism; Ritual; Religion; Sacrifice; Anthropology. 155 pp.
Streicher, Julius. Die Judenfrage durch Fünf Jahrhunderte/The Jewish Question over Five Centuries. Nürnberg: Verlag Der Stürmer, 1939. Stürmer Verlag; Anti-Semitism; Jews. 539 pp. m.
Urach, Furst A. Ostasien, Kampf um das kommende Grossreich/East Asia, the Struggle over the Approaching Empire. Maps. Berlin: Steirdger Verlag, 1940. Asia; World War. 191 pp. Ill.
v. d. March, Ottokar Stauf. Die Juden in Urteil der Zeiten Eine Sammlung jüdischer und nichtjüdischer Aussprüche/The Jews in the Judgment of the Times; a Compilation of Jewish and non-Jewish Opinions. Munich: Deutscher Volksverlag, Dr. E. Boepple, 1921. Anti-semitism. 201 pp.
Weiner, Peter F. German with Tears; an Examination of German Education Past and Present. London: The Cresset Press, 1942. Education; Nationalism. 93 pp. Ill.
Wiebe, Dr. F. K. Germany and the Jewish Problem. Berlin: Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem, c. 1940. Racism; Anti-Semitism; Judaism. 86 pp.
Wirsing, Giselher. Der Masslose Kontinent; Roosevelt's Kampf um Die Weltherrschaft/The Extravagant Continent; Roosevelt's Struggle for World Domination. Jena: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1942. Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Politics, World; America, Propaganda. 473 pp.