The Center for

"Race," Culture and Social Justice

Promoting faculty scholarship and teaching on “race” and social justice across the curriculum and fostering an inclusive atmosphere among students, faculty, and the Hofstra community at large.

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Center Media Appearances

Culture continues to be a critical factor in shaping societies. As active participants in society, it is imperative that we understand what influences the culture and how our thoughts and ideas translate into action. Culture is what gives meaning to our lives and can be understood through our appreciation for language, music, dance, food, religion, and any number of traditions peculiar to its people. The notion of “race” can be understood from both a global perspective and a national perspective. Here in the United States of America racial hierarchy is primarily cast across a color spectrum, where benefits and privileges accrue based on how light or dark one appears. Through this podcast, we look at many ways that race, culture and social justice intersect. 

This Podcast is brought to you by Center for Race, Culture and Social Justice at Hofstra University. Special thanks to Director Dr. Jonathan Lightfoot, Associate Director, Dr. Veronica Lippencott for their continued support.

Critical Conversations: For the Culture Podcast

Contact Us

Dr. Jonathan Lightfoot, Director

Dr. Veronica Lippencott, Associate Director

Roosevelt 203
130 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-1300, USA

Phone: 516-463-6585

Faculty Summer Research Grants

Supporting research, scholarship, and curriculum development focused on race and social justice.

Library Research Assistance

Empowering students by providing individualized attention to research needs.


Visiting Research Scholars Program

Hosting researchers from other institutions to foster intellectual exchanges.


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Selected Publications Authored By Advisory Board Members