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Application Process for Faculty Diversity Research and Curriculum Development Grant and the LGBTQQIA Research Grant

To apply for either of these awards, applicants should submit a proposal electronically to the Provost's Office at Provost@Hofstra.edu by February 28 each year. The proposal description should be limited to four double spaced, typed pages, and include the following sections:

1) Title and author.
2) Purpose and objectives.
3) Narrative. This section should detail the objectives and specific diversity research/curricular innovation that the applicant intends to accomplish. Please include any student involvement in the narrative.
4) Impacts. This section should describe how the project will enhance the goal of promoting diversity and how the results of the project will be disseminated.
5) Budget. Describe how the funds will be used.

Recipients of the awards will be notified by March 15 each year and will be expected to provide a brief formal written report of the completed project to the Provost's office no later than January 31 of the following year and present the work at a public talk on campus in early spring.