Student Counseling Services - Special Issues

Alcohol & Other Substances

College is the time when students begin the process of making independent choices and decisions. Experimenting with a variety of activities allows for personal development and growth. Some behaviors, however, including experimentation with alcohol or drugs can negatively affect health, well-being, academics, relationships, or enrollment status. Understanding how alcohol and other substances affect your body, judgment, and ability to succeed at college are important for any student to consider in order to make informed and safe choices.

Students may recognize that their use of alcohol or other substances has impaired their ability to function well at college and therefore reduction strategies may prove helpful. Other individuals may find that their alcohol or substance use has become extremely impairing and therefore may require more significant intervention to help move past an addiction. Student Counseling Services offers a variety of options for students seeking help or guidance with alcohol and drug concerns including:

  • Alcohol and other drug screenings
  • Individual counseling
  • Referral options for off-campus treatment providers or other supports
  • SMART Recovery group

For additional resources and information about alcohol and substance use on college campuses visit the following websites:

Information for Students

Information for Resident Assistants and Peer Educators

Information for Parents

Long Island Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence

Additional resources may be found at Hofstra University’s Student Health Services