
Colloquium Series

November 1, 2019

Book Symposium: Kathleen Wallace, The Network Self: Relation, Process, and Personal Identity

Symposiasts: Diana Meyers (University of Connecticut), Vincent Colapietro (University of Rhode Island), Amy Shuster (Dennison University), Kathleen Wallace (Hofstra University)

Oct 17, 2019

Heikki J. Koskinen (University of Helsinki), “Antecedent Recognition: Some Problematic Educational Implications of the Very Notion”

Sami Pihlström (University of Helsinki) and Sari Kivistö (Tampere University), “Against the Empathetic Fallacy: On the Seriousness of the Moral Point of View”

April 30, 2019

Robin Dembroff (Yale University), “Gender Identity Trouble”

April 3, 2019

Russell Marcus (Hamilton College), “Embracing the Cartesian Circle”

April 19, 2018

Eddy Souffrant (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), “The Ethics of Disaster: On the Possibility of Social Sustainability”

November 28, 2017

Myisha Cherry (Harvard University and University of Illinois), “Love, Anger, and Racial Justice”

April 5, 2017

Ian Olasov (CUNY Graduate Center), “Moral Discourse in Everyday Life: How We Do It and Why It Matters”

February 2, 2017

Gregg Caruso (SUNY Corning), “Free Will Skepticism and Criminal Behavior: A Public Health-Quarantine Model”

December 7, 2016

Jennifer Uleman (SUNY Purchase), “No King and No Torture: Kant on Suicide and Law”

December 2016

Philip Kitcher (Columbia University), Phi Beta Kappa Public Lecture: "Six Problems of Climate Change;” Departmental Colloquium: “Animal Experimentation”

November 2016

Anjan Chatterjee (Perlman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania), “The Aesthetic Brain”

September 28-29, 2016

David Halperin (W. H. Auden Distinguished University of the History and Theory of Sexuality at the University of Michigan), “Love and Desire in the Symposium”

September 19, 2016

Daniel J. Hicks (AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, University of California, Merced, “Science, Policy, and Controversy”

April 14, 2016

Zsófia Zvolenszky (Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary and Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia), “Creating Fictional Characters: Intentionally or Inadvertently”

March 9, 2016

Barry Loewer (Rutgers University), “Laws of Nature and the Direction of Time”

November 17, 2014

Susan C. Hawthorne (St. Catherine University), “How Real Is ADHD? Does It Matter?”

October 24, 2014

C. Kenneth Waters (University of Calgary, Canada), “Shifting Attention From Theory to Practice in Philosophy of Biology”

September 15, 2014

Serene Khader (Brooklyn College), “Adaptive Preferences”

August 29, 2014

K. Anthony Appiah (New York University), “The Honor Code”

May 1, 2014

Ben Philips (CUNY Graduate Center), “Seeing Objects and Their Parts”

December 10, 2013

Amie Thomasson (University of Miami), “Fictional Characters”

March 5-6, 2013

Jonathan Moreno (University of Pennsylvania), Public Lecture: “The Battle over Science in America: How Biology is Changing our Politics”

Philosophy Colloquium: “Neuroethics and National Security”

December 4, 2012

Luke Russell (University of Sydney, Australia), “Does Evil Exist?”

May 3, 2012

Ken Aizawa (Centenary University), Class visit, “The Extended Mind”

April 4, 2012

Metaphysics Workshop

Bob Hale (University of Sheffield), “Properties and the Interpretation of Second Order Logic”

Amie Thomasson (University of Miami) “Fictionalism v. Deflationism”

Steven Yablo (MIT), “Bandersnatches in Dubuque”

November 16, 2011

Graham Priest (University of Melbourne, CUNY Graduate Center), “Embracing the Groundlessness of Reality”

April 12, 2011

Robert Lurz (Brooklyn College, CUNY), “Philosophy of Animal Minds”

December 8, 2010

Ricki Bliss (University of Melbourne, Australia), “Buddhism and Metaphysical Grounding”

October 11, 2010

Bill Lynn (Williams College), “Cosmopolitan Owls”

April 14, 2010

Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt University), “Democracy, Epistemology, and Conflict”

December 21, 2009

John Wilkins (University of Melbourne, Australia), “Information in Biology”

December 2, 2009

Catharine Abell (Macquarie University, Australia), “Truth and Fiction”

October 30, 2009

Clare Palmer (Texas A&M University), “Can We - and Should We - Wake Reparation to 'Nature'?

May 6, 2009

Noa Latham (University of Calgary), “Inference to the Best Explanation and Induction”

April 22, 2009

Victoria McGeer (Princeton University), “Co-reactive Attitudes and the Making of Moral Community”

March 13, 2009

Frans B. M. de Waal (Emory University), “The Age of Empathy: From the Expression to the Perception of Emotions”

November 5, 2008

Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston University), “The Development of Freedom: A Phenomenological Approach”

May 8, 2008

Dispositions Workshop

Marcus Schrenk (Research Fellow, AHRC Metaphysics of Science Project, Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham), “No power for necessity!”

Anthony Dardis (Hofstra University),”Causation and Properties”

May 4-5, 2006

Hannah Ginsborg (UC Berkeley), Public lecture: “What Beauty Tells Us About Knowledge: A Kantian Perspective” and Departmental Colloquium: “Primitive Normativity and Scepticism About Rules”

October 27-8, 2003

Richard Bernstein (The New School University) (Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar)

December 6, 2002

Sally Sedgwick (Dartmouth University), “Conditioned Autonomy: Kant versus Hegel”

March 26, 2001

Hubert Dreyfus (UC Berkeley), “Kierkegaard on the Internet: Anonymity vs Commitment in the Present Age”