Financial Aid
The following support services are available for the students in the Psy.D. Program.
- Research Fellowships
We award approximately $97,000 annually to our students and these monies are specifically for the purpose of tuition remission. Fellowship awards range from $9000 to $20,000 for the time a student is in the program, depending on need and academic excellence. Special help is also made available for disadvantaged students. - Teaching
Post-masters Psy.D. students are often hired as members of the adjunct teaching staff, and the primarily teach undergraduate courses to our psychology majors. Each year, approximately $40,000 is earned by our Psy.D. candidates who serve in these teaching positions. - Psychodiagnostic Evaluation and Intervention
Approximately $15,000 is allotted for conducting evaluations at our Psychological Evaluation, Research, and Counseling Clinic (PERCC) and for conducting interventions with children and families. - H. Alan Robinson Outstanding Dissertations Award
Each year, one student is given an award of $750 for completion of the best dissertation of the year in the University. This award is competitive and open to all doctoral students. - Graduate Student Floating Scholarship
Each year two of our students are awarded a $3000 scholarship for outstanding academic performance. - Alumni Reunion Scholarship Award
$3000 has been collected from program graduates and will be awarded annually based upon need and academic merit. - Rhoda Tartak Memorial Award
This memorial award of $1,000 is given to one of our students each year for exemplary scholarship.
A scholarship developed by a program graduate provides an award of $1,000, for each of five years, to a woman who returns to our doctoral program after working. The woman must have school age children at home.- Student Travel Award
Students receive $400 yearly for travel to a professional conference where they are presenting a poster or paper.