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Master of Arts in Spanish

Master of Arts in Spanish


Program Requirements

A student will be considered matriculated and a candidate for the M.A. in Spanish for as long as she/he maintains at least a B level average throughout the program. The candidate must complete a total of 36 semester hours. Of these, 33 s. h. must be chosen from 200-level courses, and 3 semester hours will be given for a Master's essay (SPAN 301) on a topic to be approved in advance by the both the program director and the faculty member who will supervise the thesis. The distribution requirement is as follows:

  1. 6 credits in culture courses: SPAN 205: Studies in the Culture of Spain; and either SPAN 206: Studies in the Cultures of Latin America or SPAN 218: Contemporary Cultures of Latin America; or equivalent.
  2. 6 credits in courses related to literature and criticism: SPAN 203: Literary Criticism of 20th Century Spain; and SPAN 204: Literary Criticism of 20th Century Latin America; or equivalent.
  3. 6 credits in grammar or linguistics courses.
  4. 3 credits in a course on major authors or literary movements, to be chosen from SPAN 221 through SPAN 226.
  5. 3 credits for the Master's essay.

For more information, please visit the Hofstra University Bulletin.