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Hofstra in Dallas

Dallas Alumni Leadership

Andrew Schuetz, BBA, ’11

Hofstra in Dallas Leadership - A Schuetz Andrew Schuetz
Claims Manager
Liberty Mutual Arbitration Unit

Andrew Schuetz was raised in Washington State where he always had a passion for the big city and business. Andrew discovered Hofstra University because of its location and the Frank G. Zarb School of Business. During his time at Hofstra, Andrew was an active member of the Resident Students Association and Office of Admissions. Andrew received his Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Marketing in 2011. After graduating, Andrew moved to Dallas for a Leadership Program at GEICO. Andrew has held various roles at GEICO and most recently Liberty Mutual. Andrew is now the Claims Manager overseeing Liberty Mutual’s Arbitration Unit. Andrew remains connected to Hofstra through the Office of Admissions and most recently Alumni Affairs. He is excited to be kicking off the Dallas Chapter in 2020!