The MS in Data Science program prepares students for advanced careers in data engineering, quantitative research, machine learning, and data analytics. The flexible learning formats allow students from New York City, Long Island, and other regions to develop and strengthen their data science knowledge, application, and leadership skills. Graduates are expected to be practice-ready professionals who contribute to their organizations and communities.
The 30-semester hour curriculum focuses on the mathematical and algorithmic knowledge and skills used in different aspects of data science and includes courses such as:
- Data Science
- Data Warehousing
- Machine Learning
- Computational Matrix Algebra and Applications
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Probability and Statistical Inference
More About The Programs
The Student Experience

Program Directory
Program Director
Jianchen Shan
Associate Professor
Yihren Wu
Professor of Mathematics
Simona Doboli
Professor of Computer Science
Zoran Sunik
Professor of Mathematics
Kira Adaricheva
Professor of Mathematics
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt
Professor of Computer Science
Steven C. Lindo
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science