The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) is excited to announce Faculty Development Micro-Grants. These Micro-Grant awards are designed to promote professional and institutional development, expanding, and supporting the institutional values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). Activities funded by these grants will contribute to the overall success of the faculty member(s), the academic unit(s) and Hofstra University. Successful applications will make a clear case for how the approval of their request will directly benefit the faculty member and/or the university through a DEIB lens.
Applications should include a 1–2-page (max 750 words) proposal that outlines specific activities with a description of the fund request ($500 max) and a clear rationale explaining the benefit to the applicant through knowledge enhancement, classroom instruction, student engagement, university community enrichment, or career application.
Applicants should include the following materials with their proposal:
- Name
- Email and phone number
- School/Department
- Is there more than one person involved in this project? If yes, please include the name(s), telephone number(s), email address(es), and affiliation of partner(s).
- Title of project/program/activity
- Describe the purpose of the Micro-Grant. How will it create, enhance, promote, or sustain an inclusive living, learning, and working environment at Hofstra University? Within an academic department? Or improve the experience of students, faculty, or overall campus culture? Describe how the proposed activity, project, or program’s expected outcomes meet this goal (750-word max).
- Include the estimated budget (up to $500)
- The expected timeline of proposal
Please submit proposals to equity@hofstra.edu, with the subject: Micro-Grant Application.
Rolling Deadline - 2023-2024 Academic Year
Funds must be used before July 15, 2024
Micro-Grant Awards
At least ten (10) awards of up to $500.00 are available for the 2023-2024 Academic Year (not to exceed 1 per semester).
Grants are awarded based on the quality and feasibility of the plan provided and how it promotes the mission of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the campus learning community.
- Applicants can only receive one Micro-Grant per academic semester.
- Micro-grants may not be used to fund campus events.
- Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be awarded until the funds are depleted or the academic year ends.
- Grant recipients will be reimbursed up to $500.
Rolling Deadline - 2023-2024 Academic Year
Funds must be used before July 15, 2024
Micro-Grant Priorities
- Structural Diversity, Access, and Equity: Contributes to the improvement in the numbers, retention, matriculation and promotion of historically underrepresented students, faculty, administration, and staff.
- Institutional Infrastructure: Establishes a process for ongoing monitoring, assessment, evaluation and revision of institutional practices, policies, and procedures to ensure equitable and inclusive opportunities and outcomes.
- Climate and Intergroup Relations: Creates and sustains a campus environment of respect and inclusion through opportunities for cross-cultural engagement, community dialogue and debate, or ongoing intercultural learning.
- Formal and Informal Curricula: Assures diverse perspectives and inclusive pedagogies in the content of courses, programs, teaching, learning approaches and experiences across academic and non-academic programs.
- Student Learning and Development: Creates leadership experiences and career pathways that prepare students to engage actively in an increasingly diverse and interconnected global society.
- STEM Access, Inclusion and Representation: Addresses access, representation, or belonging in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
General Criteria
- Clearly defined outcome(s) of the proposed activity.
- Programs and initiatives that focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging that meet one or more of the six focus areas listed above.
- Significance of the proposed activity for the faculty member's professional development.
- Evidence that the proposed activity supports the commitment to institutional values of equity and inclusion, and professional improvement.
- Be able to demonstrate tangible progress within a one-year timeframe.
- If the program is ongoing or continuing, the proposal must outline a plan for sustainability including funding streams.
- Funds must be used before July 15, 2024
Qualifying Activities/Costs
- Curriculum or instructional material development
- Workshop, seminar, or course (not covered by other funding)
- Conference participation or attendance (fees, lodging, or travel)
- Related equipment purchases
- Preparation of materials for publication
- Grant proposal development
- Research support
- Artistic or creative endeavors
- Faculty development training/webinars
- Other work-related professional development projects or activities
- Course-related supplies (books, materials, fees, etc.)
Non-Qualifying Activities/Costs
- Stipends, compensation, or salary
- Personal expenses
- Campus programming/Guest speakers
- Departmental operating expenses
- Parking/traffic tickets or fines of any type
- Per diem and mileage will not be paid
- Alcohol or social activities
- Activities, events, and programs that do not contribute to DEIB.
Grant Recipient Responsibilities
Once a grant proposal is successful, the grant recipient accepts the following assessment and reporting responsibilities:
- Implement project/program as proposed.
- Inform the Office of Equity and Inclusion of any changes to proposed plan.
- Submit all required financial paperwork and receipts through Chrome River on or before July 15, 2024.
- Track participation, outcomes, and successes as described in the proposal.
- Provide a summary report detailing participation, outcomes, and successes. This report is due to the Office of Equity and Inclusion within one month of the completion of the program/project.
- Share any related publicity, photos, outcomes, etc. with the Office of Equity and Inclusion.
Please submit proposals to equity@hofstra.edu, with the subject: Micro-Grant Application.
Micro-Grant Recipients 2022-2023
The Faculty Micro-Grant initiative was implemented in Spring 2023. Faculty Micro-Grants promote professional and institutional development focused on expanding and supporting the institutional values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). To date, we have awarded ten $500 dollar grants. Faculty recipients have used the grant funds for DEIB based research projects, conference attendance, and cultural immersion experiences with undergraduate and graduate students.
Oskar Pineño, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Oskar Pineño, Ph.D., Psychology Department, was able to use the grant funds to purchase necessary material for his research project, which will examine different aspects of student lifestyle, including diet with an emphasis in comparing resident and nonresident students, and seeks ways to improve healthy habits among our students by employing psychological techniques aiming to “empower” them in challenging situations. “Our research is in a very early stage of development but, perhaps precisely for that reason, your support has made a critical difference in our chances of success. We sincerely appreciate your trust in our work.”
Mun Yee Kwan, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Mun Yee Kwan, PhD, Department of Psychology, presented her research “Body Discrepancy and Suicidal Ideation: A Conditional Indirect Effect Through Eating Disorder Symptoms” at the International Conference on Eating Disorders. As a first-year faculty member and sponsor of the Equity and Social Justice Initiative within the Department of Psychology, she was able to connect with other researchers and professionals to share and discuss research ideas.
David Woolwine, Ph.D., M.L.S., Professor of Library Services

With the micro-grant, David Woolwine, Ph.D., M.L.S., Professor of Library Services, was able to collaborate and present with graduate student, Dario Mendez, on their research paper entitled “Indexing as Innovation and Disruption” at the Information, Medium & Society: Twenty-First International Conference on Publishing Studies ̶ Social Narrative Makers: Storytellers, Researchers, Publishers, Platforms.” Their paper proposal was recently accepted by Humboldt Journal of Social Relations. “We are grateful to the Office of Equity and Inclusion for this opportunity to explore and present these issues within this sociological study of librarianship.”
Dr. Katrina Rochelle Sims, Department of History, Faculty-in-Residence

Dr. Katrina Rochelle Sims, Faculty-in-Residence, used the funds toward a cultural immersion experience for six students. They connected in an interpersonal way, which transcended their classifications and nationalities, while attending the off-Broadway performance, White Girl in Danger, with dinner and dialogue with students afterwards. “The dramatized themes of underrepresentation, pressure to fit into predefined concepts, and family expectations resonated with the students…. I truly believe the opportunity afforded them the ability to establish meaningful relationships that will help them, particularly the freshmen and sophomore students, begin the important work of building networks of support at Hofstra.”
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Office of Equity and Inclusion