2014 Student Elections
Fellow Students,
I am writing to you in my capacity as Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, a standing committee of the Hofstra University Senate. In case you were unaware, the University Senate serves as Hofstra's legislative branch, composed of faculty, staff, administration, and students, all working together to address the issues relating to the members of the Hofstra community—shared governance.
Having a strong student presence at the Senate table is essential for shared governance to work. Being a senator affords you the tremendous opportunity to have your voice heard in governing the University, working with all levels of the University in order create real change at Hofstra, and ensure that the student voice is not just heard, but prominent in governing Hofstra.
On Thursday, April 17, April 21, and April 22, I or another member of the Student Affairs Committee will be in the Student Center Atrium with refreshments, so stop by for a snack to learn how you can impact change at Hofstra.
Whether or not you are interested in running, I strongly encourage you to stop by. The best feedback the Senate can get is from you, our most important constituents. Please contact Caroline Schreiner at Caroline.M.Porr{at}hofstra.edu or (516) 463-5419 if you have any questions about the application process or the University Senate in general.
Thank you,
William J. Finnegan
Chair of the Student Affairs Committee
Hofstra University Senate
Eligible students must be nominated by petition of at least 10 voters.
Everyone who applies will be asked to submit a short focused statement (about 5 -7 sentences) with emphasis on those activities and ideas which best reflect his/her qualifications.
Applications and statements are due Friday, April 25.
Elections will be held through Blackboard on the Hofstra Portal from April 30 at 12:01 AM until May 1 at 11:59 P.M.
For more information about the University Senate, please visit our website.