
Student Experience

The department promotes field experience, which is key for employment and when applying to graduate school.

Students studying Math Education are required to participate in student teaching. Those who plan to pursue advanced degrees in math or science often benefit from research experience, either working closely with our own faculty or participating in an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates). Funded by the National Science Foundation, REUs are competitive programs hosted by domestic and international universities. Hofstra Mathematics majors have participated in Budapest Semesters in Mathematics and REUs at Missouri State University, the College of William & Mary, and more. Recently, with faculty and institutional support, students traveled to academic conferences in Missouri, Colorado, Hawaii, Nebraska, California, and France.

Student Organizations

When they are not in class, our students socialize in our department lounge and in the Math Tutoring Center. Many participate in the Actuarial Science Club and the Math Club, which plan off-campus excursions to the movies, to the National Museum of Mathematics, and to meetings with industry professionals in New York City. Some students may be invited to join Pi Mu Epsilon, the mathematics honor society, which can open doors in both education and industry.

Seminars & Lectures

Math students are also exposed to a broad range of current research and new ideas through a busy seminar program. Faculty, students, and guest lecturers discuss varied topics like: How Aliens Do Math, How Math Theory Can Help Break Up Terror Cells, Confessions of a Sequence Addict, and What Mathematics Can Tell Us About Cancer.


Our students are also encouraged to take part in local and national mathematics competitions. These range from the department's Problem of the Month competition and annual SCUDEM (Student Competition Using Differential Equations Modeling) to Central Washington University's cipher-breaking Kryptos competition, and the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada.

Top Internships

  • Astoria Portfolio Advisors
  • Bitcoin Center NYC
  • Brentwood Union Free School District
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Ernst & Young, LLP
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Heritage Financial Advisory Group
  • Levittown School District
  • Massapequa School District
  • Utica National Insurance