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Common Reading 2013

2013 Common Reading Essay Contest

We invite you to submit an essay of not more than 750 words on any topic you wish having to do with our common reading, Will Allen’s, Good Food Revolution. Your essay must be relevant to Good Food Revolution—otherwise there are no restrictions on topic or style. All essays will be read and judged by members of the Hofstra faculty. The winner will receive an iPad 4, the first runner-up will receive an iPad 2 and the third runner-up will receive an iPad mini, all will be presented by Mr. Allen on August 30st, 2013 during his Welcome Week address to the first-year class. In addition, the winner and runners-up will be invited to a small luncheon with Mr. Allen following his address to the first-year class.

Learn how to submit your Common Reading Essay.

Submission deadline: Friday, August 16, 2013.

Good luck!