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Music Library Research Databases

Music research resources available via the RESEARCH DATABASES on the Library Web Page

Digital Scholarly Journal Archive

Music Index Online
(1973 - present) Subject-Author Guide to Music Periodical Literature, over 1.4 million records
from more than 850 music periodicals from over 40 countries. Covering all musical styles and
genres. Citations cover book reviews, obituaries, new periodicals, and news and articles about
music, musicians, and the music industry.

Oxford Music Online
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 4th Edition
The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd Edition (2001)
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd Edition (2001)
The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992)
The Oxford Companion to Music (2002)
The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2nd Edition Revised

Naxos Music Library
Streaming Audio from over 55,000 CDs

Project Muse
Digital Scholarly Journal Archive

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
(1967-present) is the world's largest, continuously updated bibliography of music literature providing broad international coverage including records in over 100 languages from thousands of journals, books, dissertations, conference proceedings, Festschriften, and more.

Updated: Aug 23, 2011

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