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A Message from Stephen S. Lawrence, Department Chairman

The Department of Physics and Astronomy seeks to prepare students for wide variety of careers; not only careers as scientists, engineers, teachers (physics teachers are in high demand), or physicians, but also careers in Law (Intellectual property, patent law), finance, and more generally any career involving the ability to analyze data, find patterns and make predictions. Internships can provide invaluable training and “real-world” experience for students aiming at any of these careers. Recent students have served as paid summer interns in research and educational projects supported by faculty-generated grants from the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health and the National Aeronautics and Aerospace Administration (NASA), as well as internships at outside science institutions such as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Laboratory. These students have gained experience in fields ranging from theoretical physics to applied physics and chemistry to research public science education in astronomy to underwater photography. Students interested in internships should have strong academic backgrounds and be well-motivated self-starters with good communication skills, all of which will be improved through the internship experience. For additional information contact the Chairperson, Dr. Stephen S. Lawrence at (516) 463 – 5584 or via email.