Master of Health Administration

MHA Program Core Components

The MHA programs’ innovative learning modules provide students with a foundation in the core components required of health and health care administrators. These components include:

  • Population health and the role of institutions, culture, and economics in health determination, health access, and health care utilization.
  • The macro- and micro-level organizations that comprise health and health care systems and how these organizations produce and deliver health and health care services.
  • Formation, implementation, and evaluation of health and health care policy.
  • Organizational and behavioral management and economic principles and theories as applied to health and health care systems to improve organizational performance, minimize costs, and maximize efficiency.
  • Human resources and staff organization, planning, credentialing, and management in health and health care systems.
  • Industrial organization of health care firms (e.g., generating, implementing, and evaluating firm-level strategies to compete in health and health care markets).
  • Leadership and management principles (e.g., development of the critical thinking process required to overcome challenges, innovate, and effectively and efficiently administer resources).
  • Health and health care law, ethics, and professionalism.
  • Health information systems and the use of technology in program and firm   management, analysis, and innovation.
  • Finance and accounting principles in strategic planning, organizational evaluation, management, and administration for health and health care professionals.
  • Data analytics, economic analysis and statistical approaches to design, implement, and evaluate firm investment and market strategies, physical and labor resource allocations, policy-based benchmarking and goals, and other business   and health planning initiatives.
  • Inter- and intra-personal navigation, including the development of the communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills needed to contribute to health and health care organizations from an individual, team-member, and leadership position, and then use these skills to successfully navigate an organization internally and externally.