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Student Testimonials

Lauren Behr

Lauren Behr '12
Assistant Director, Career Center, Hofstra University

I absolutely loved the Higher Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Program at Hofstra University. I had such incredible professors and mentors throughout my course of study, and the program offered an incredible foundation for the study of higher education. This program not only strengthened my passion for higher education, but also provided me with invaluable knowledge for my current role as Assistant Director within The Career Center at Hofstra.

In this role, I counsel students and alumni regarding career direction, job and internship opportunities, graduate school research, and available career development resources. I also administer and evaluate career interest assessments, facilitate mock interviews and interview question preparation and development, and assist in resume and cover letter preparation and evaluation for students and alumni.

This program was an essential contributor to this role, and further solidified my passion for helping students to grow professionally and personally in terms of career development and personal growth in order to reach their full potential.