Minds on the Markets 1.0
Minds on the Markets 1.0 is a collaborative effort between the Zarb School of Business, the School of Education, and the NASDAQ QMX Foundation. This program was officially launched on April 2, 2012, with the ringing of the closing bell at NASDAQ. It is a seven module curriculum designed to give high school students an in-depth knowledge of financial markets, their role and importance in the world, as well as introduce students to the various career paths that are available in the financial services industry.
The program is designed to mirror NASDAQ’s commitment to international markets and is truly global in scope. It consists of a combination of online and classroom based supplemental educational program designed to give high school students an in-depth knowledge of financial markets, their role and importance in the world as well as introduce students to the various career paths that are available in the financial services industry. Using a curriculum developed by experts in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business as well as in the School of Education, high school teachers are able to deliver a series of lessons which are supplemented by professionally produced companion videos, “Inside Financial Intelligence”, that reinforce the key concepts. The videos feature experts from the financial world explaining the lesson being taught. Students are later split up into teams to compete for a three-day financial tour in New York, which includes an invitation from NASDAQ to participate in the ringing of the closing bell in Times Square.
The program is divided into ten modules and is designed to be completed over the course of one a academic year. Modules 1-5 will be completed in the Fall Semester. At the end of the semester, teams will participate in the Minds on the Markets 1.0 Academy Challenge. This challenge will reinforce the information learned over the semester. In the Spring Semester, students will complete Modules 6-10 and compete in the Minds on the Markets 1.0 Academy Ultimate Challenge. The top five teams of three students each will be invited to New York City and Hofstra University to receive advanced financial training and tour the elite financial institutions of Manhattan. The maximum prize amount awarded to each team is $5,000.
Contact Us
Program Coordinators
Gioia Bales
Associate Dean and Professor of Finance
Frank G. Zarb School of Business
Hofstra University
Marsha Iverson
Associate Professor of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership
School of Education, Health and Human Services
Hofstra University