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Phi Betta Kappa

2015 Phi Beta Kappa Book Award Luncheon

Book Award Luncheon

Each Fall, the Hofstra Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa selects a small number of promising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to honor at our Book Award Luncheon, which is sponsored by the Provost’s office and the Hofstra University Bookstore. Our honorees this year all attained a 4.0 GPA while taking broad and rigorous coursework in the liberal arts and sciences. 

The honorees for Fall 2015 are:

Francine Chirico, Philosophy
Amanda Clouser, Chemistry
Svetlana Krilyuk, Political Science, Psychology
Natalie Mishkin, Political Science
Eve Morin, English, Early Childhood & Childhood Education
Rebecca Ragusa, Speech Language Hearing Science
Hannah Rembrandt, Speech Language Hearing Science
Nicholas Rizzuti, English
Garrett Shum, Linguistics, Philosophy, Rhetorical Studies
Daniel Zhu, Pre-Medical Studies