University Senate

Meeting Minutes

Senate Executive Committee

Assigns or refers business of the University Senate to appropriate committees, makes recommendations to the Senate, keep informed of and expedite the progress of committee work, recommend the creation, abolition, or alteration of the jurisdiction of committees of the Senate and nominate members of the Senate and maintain liaison with all appropriate deliberating and policymaking bodies of the University and serve as a continuous source of information relevant to Senate committees.

Full Senate

Shared governance. Members represent faculty, administration, staff and students.

Full Faculty

All Full Time Faculty Members

Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee

Concerned with course proliferation, liberal arts requirements, relationship of curricular matters to budget, staff, and Library. Oversees Academic Review Committee.

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Graduate Academic Affairs Committee

Policies and programs governing graduate study. Maintains academic standards by examining current and proposed programs.

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Faculty Affairs Committee

Recommends policy for definition of the responsibilities and privileges of the faculty, problems of academic freedom and tenure.

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Student Affairs Committee

Recommends policies governing operation of the Dean of Students Office and makes policy recommendations to the University regarding student-related activities and services.

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Planning and Budget Committee

Represents the Senate in budgetary planning. Participates in planning for University development; recommends policy on student aid, etc. Oversees Library, Academic Computing, and Environmental Priorities committees.