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Foreign Language Education Frequently Asked Questions

Graduate Program FAQ

  • Is there a deadline for admission?
    • Applications for graduate programs are accepted on a rolling basis for both fall and spring enrollment.  They are reviewed and processed as they are received.  Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time for registration and to be eligible for departmental scholarships.
  • What if I do not have 36 content hours before applying to the program?
    • Students can make up deficiencies in foreign language content areas while they are enrolled in a graduate program at Hofstra.  They can be completed at any time prior to student teaching.  Students may also take advantage of two opportunities through the American Counsel on the Teaching of Foreign Language to gain credit for knowledge of a particular foreign Language.  It is possible to be granted 14 credits through the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and 14 credits though the Written Proficiency Test (WPT).  These assessments aim to provide students with up to 28 content area credits and to be sure they are cleared to participate in student teaching.
  • Are there scholarships available?
    • Students are evaluated for merit-based scholarships through their graduate application.  Each department has limited funds to distribute, so prospective students are encouraged to apply early.  Students may also wish to inquire about the Federal TEACH grant.  Students are encouraged to consult the Office of Student Financial Services for additional resources
  • How long does it take to complete the programs?
    • Graduate students progress through their studies at an individual pace under the advisement of the program director.  Graduate students are considered full-time when registered for 9 semester hours or more per semester, though many student choose to study on a part-time basis.  Master’s students must complete their program within five years of the initial semester of enrollment.
      • Students in the Foreign Language M.S.Ed. program complete 37 graduate credits. 
      • Students in the dual LOTE and TESOL M.S.Ed. also complete 37 graduate credits. 
      M.S. Ed. Full-Time
      M.S. Ed. Part-Time
      Fall 1:
      9 Credits
      6 Credits
      January 1:
      3 Credits
      0 Credits
      Spring 1:
      10 Credits
      6 Credits
      Summer 1:
      6 Credits
      6 Credits
      Fall 2:
      9 Credits
      7 Credits
      January 2:
      0 Credits
      Spring 2:
      6 Credits
      Summer 2:
      6 Credits
  • How do students network to find employment post graduation?
    • It is common for student teachers to find full-time opportunities in the districts they are placed for student teaching.  Education students at Hofstra are well connected with Hofstra alumni and area teachers through field placements and membership in local professional organizations
    • Employment and affiliations:

Click here for more Graduate Admission FAQs.