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Foreign Language Education Professional Organizations

AAAL American Association of Applied Linguistics
AACC American Association of Community Colleges
AATA American Association of Teachers of Arabic
AATF American Association of Teachers of French
AATG American Association of Teachers of German
AATI American Association of Teachers of Italian
AATSP American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
AAUSC American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators
ACL American Classical League
ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
ACTR American Council on the Teaching of Russian
ADFL Association of Departments of Foreign Languages
AERA American Association of Educational Research
AP® Advanced Placement
APLS Association of Proprietary Language Schools
BALLI Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory
CAL Center for Applied Linguistics
CALICO Computer Assisted Learning Instruction Consortium
CALPER Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research
CARLA Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
CASL Center for Advanced Study of Languages
CASLS Center for Applied Second Language Studies
CCNAA (Chinese) Coordination Council for North American Affairs
CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers
CEFR Common European Framework
CeLCAR Center for Languages of the Central Asian Region
CERCLL Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literature
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIEE Council on International Education Exchange
CLASS Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools
CLEAR Center for Language Education and Research
CLTA Chinese Language Teachers Association
CSCTFL Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
DLI Defense Language Institute
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Education
ELP European Language Portfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FLAP Foreign Language Assistance Program
FLEA Foreign Language Exhibitors Association
FLNAEP Foreign Language National Assessment of Educational Progress
FLES Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools
FLEX Foreign Language Exploratory Programs
FSI Foreign Service Institute
IALLT International Association of Language Learning Technology
   IB International Baccalaureate
   ILR  Interagency Language Roundtable
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
IPA Integrated Performance Assessment
ISTE International Society of Technology in Education
JNCL Joint National Committee for Languages
LARC Language Acquisition Resource Center
LCTL Less Commonly Taught Languages
LLC Language Learning for Children
LTI Language Testing International
MLA Modern Language Association
MOPI Modified Oral Proficiency Interview
NABE National Association for Bilingual Education
NADSFL National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages
NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAIS National Association of Independent Schools
NALRC National African Language Resource Center
NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals
NCALS National Council of Associations of Chinese Languages Schools
NCATE National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCLB No Child Left Behind
NCJLT National Council of Japanese Language Teachers
NCLRC National Capital Language Resource Center
NCSS National Council for the Social Studies
NCSSFL National Council of State Supervisors for Languages
NEALRC National East Asian Languages Resource Center
NECTFL Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities
NFLRC National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center
NFMLTA National Federation of Modern Language Teacher Associations
NHLRC National Heritage Language Resource Center
NLRC National Language Resource Centers
NMELRC National Middle Eastern Language Resource Center
NCSSFL National Council of State Supervisors for Languages
NNELL National Network for Early Language Learning
NCSSFL National Council of State Supervisors for Languages
NSA National Security Agency
NSEP National Security Education Program
NSLI National Security Language Initiative
NRCCUA National Research Center for College University Admission
OPI Oral Proficiency Interview
PAU Performance Assessment Unit
PNCFL Pacific Northwest Council for Foreign Languages
SALRC South Asia Language Resource Center
SCOLT Southern Conference on Language Teaching
SEELRC Slavic and East European Language Resource Center
SIG Special Interest Group (ACTFL, TESOL, AERA)
SWCOLT Southwest Conference on Language Teaching
TESOL Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
TPRS Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling
TPR Total Physical Response
UbD Understanding by Design
WPT Written Proficiency Test