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Meet our Students and Alumni

Rachel Brillon

Rachel Brillon, M.A. in Elementary Education: STEM ‘14
Roslyn, NY

How did you decide to pursue a degree in STEM Education at Hofstra?
I have always had a strong interest in math and science.  I was a natural explorer at a young age...| more |

Sara (Lorenz) Dionne

Sara (Lorenz) Dionne
B.A. in Elementary Education, '00
M.A. in Elementary Education: MST (now STEM), '05
Oakdale, NY

... | more |

In the videos above, graduates Chris Fusco '14 and Nicole Facchini '14 discuss their time in the STEM program. Below, our students enjoy the Fall 2014 Make-a-Thon with Prof. Monica Zenyuh. The all-night coding competition hosted by Student Computing Services called for the creation of an application or game that promotes the greater good for the Hofstra Community.
