Marketing and International Business

Department of Marketing & International Business


2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

2013 (Published and Accepted for Publication)

  1. G. P. Moschis, A. Mathur, C. K.Fatt, and C. Pizzutti (forthcoming). Effects of Family Structure on Materialism and Compulsive Consumption: a Life Course Study in Brazil. Journal of Research for Consumers.
  2. Wilson, R.T. and B.D. Till (2013). Recall of Pre-show Cinema Advertising: A Message Response Involvement Perspective. Journal of Marketing Communications. 19, (1), pp. 1-21.
  3. McMellon, C.A (forthcoming). New Advantages and Insights into the Living Case Method. An Exploratory Study.  Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics.
  4. A. Baker, A. Mathur, C. K. Fatt, George P. Moschis, and Edward Rigdon (forthcoming). Using the Life Course Paradigm to Explain Mechanisms that Link Family Disruptions to Compulsive Buying. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
  5. A. Mathur (forthcoming).  Materialism and Charitable Giving: Can They Co-exist? Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
  6. G. P. Moschis, F. S. Ong, A. Mathur, M. Abessi, and Y. Takako (2013).  Cultural and Sub-cultural Differences in Reliability: An Empirical Study in Japan and Malaysia, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 25(1), pp. 34-47.
  7. Fan, J. R. Litchfield, S. Islam, B. Weiner, M. Alexander, C. Liu, and S.Kulviwat. (forthcoming).  Workplace Social Self-efficacy: Concept, Measure, and Initial Validity Evidence.  Journal of Career Assessment.
  8. McMellon, C. (2013).  The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth.  By Joseph Turow. (Book Review).  The Journal of Advertising Education. 17, (1).
  9. McMellon, C. (2013).  Mad women: The Other Side of Life on Madison Avenue in the ‘60s and Beyond by Jane Maas. (Book Review). The Journal of Advertising Education. 17, (1).



  1. K. J. Hatten, W. L. James, R. C. Fink and J.P. Keeler (2012).  MacNeil’s Relational Norms & his Non-Mirrored Ends Proposition.  Journal of Marketing Channels.  19, (1), pp. 1-16.
  2. Wilson, R.T. and B.D. Till (2012). Targeting of Outdoor Alcohol Advertising: A Study Across Ethnic and Income Groups.  Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 33,  (2), pp. 267-281.
  3. Wilson, R.T. and D.W. Baack (2012).  Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: Applying Dunning’s Location Advantages Framework to FDI Advertising.  Journal of International Marketing.  20,  (2), pp. 95-115.
  4. Stevans, L., Neelankavil, J.P., Mendoza, R., and Shankar, S., (2012).  The economic competiveness of countries: A principle factor approach. , International Journal of Economic and Finance. 4, (12), pp. 80-92.
  5. Jadhav, A., J.P. Neelankavil, and D. Andrews, (2012).  Maximum sustainable Level of national debt.  Journal of Accounting and Finance, 12, (2), pp.  51-64.
  6. Sherman, E., Schiffman L. and Thelen, S. (2012) . Young Voters' Trust of Information and Media Sources: The 2008 U. S. Presidential Election.  Journal of Political Marketing. 11, (4), pp. 246-264.
  7. McMellon, C.A. and W. James, (2012).  Using pet ownership as a Tool in Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning.  International Journal of Business Strategy, 12(3),  pp. 94-99.  Also presented at Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) Conference, Las Vegas, NV October 14-17, 2012.
  8. Berman, B. (2012). 3-D Printing: The New Industrial Revolution. Business Horizons, 55, (2), pp. 155-162.
  9. A. Mathur (2012). Consumer Acculturation in the Age of Globalization: A Study of First-Generation Indian Immigrants in the United States.  Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 24, pp. 372-384.
  10. J.M. Planchon, A.Mathur, W. L. James, and L. Van Hoof (2012).  Liking for the Ad and Interest in Purchase Examined by OLS and SUR. Review of Business Research. 12, (5), pp. 143-149.  Note: this paper was also presented at IABE conference held in Las Vegas in 2012.
  11. E. Lee, A. Mathur, C. K. Fatt, and G. P. Moschis, (2012). The Timing and Context of Consumer Decisions: Insights From The Life Course Paradigm.  Marketing Letters. 23, (3), pp. 793-805.
  12. A. Mathur (2012).  Measurement and Meaning of Religiosity: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Religiosity and Charitable Giving.  Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing.  20, (2), pp. 84-95.
  13. A. Mathur (2012).  Managerial Motivation and Determinants of Their Performance A Comparison of Middle-Level Managers From the United States and Europe.  Journal of International Business and Law. 11, (2), pp.  339-350.
  14. G. P. Moschis, F. S. Ong, M.Ambassi, T.Yamashita, and A.Mathur (2012).  Cultural and Age-related Differences in Reliability: An Empirical Study in U.S., Malaysia, and Japan.  Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing.  19, (3/4), pp. 141-151.
  15. Forman, A., D.  H. Lester and D. Loyd (2012).  A Comparison of Traditional and Online Word-of-Mouth Communication in Influencing Consumer Purchase Decisions. International Research Journal of Global Business Development, 1, (1), 2012. (An earlier version of this paper was published in the Proceedings of the Global Business Development Institute Conference, Las Vegas, NV; 2012).
  16. Yoo, B. and S-H Lee (2012).  An Asymmetrical Effect of Past Experiences with Genuine Fashion Luxury Brands and Their Counterfeits on Purchase Intention of Each, forthcoming in Journal of Business Research. 65, (10), pp. 1507-1515.
  17. Thelen, S., and Shapiro, Terri. 92012), Predicting Negative Consumer reactions to Services Offshoring. Journal of Services Marketing 26, (3), pp. 181-193.
  18. Thelen, S. (2012).  Solutions for customer complaints about offshoring and outsourcing services.  Business Horizons.  55, (1), pp. 33-42.
  19. Thelen, S. & T. Shapiro (2012).  Predicting Negative Consumer reactions to Services Offshoring.  Journal of Services Marketing, 26, (3), pp. 181-193.



  1. Neelankavil, J.P., L. Stevans, and F.L. Roman, (2011).  Correlates of Economic Growth for Developing Countries: A Panel Cointegration Approach.  International Review of Applied Economics.  26, (1), pp.  83-96.
  2. Jadhav, A., and J.P. Neelankavil, (2011).  Deficit Financing: Cases, Consequences, and Potential Cures.  Journal of Applied Business and Economics.12,  (6), pp.  83-99.
  3. Hsu, S. H., S. Balasubramanian, R. Thakur, and S. Kulviwat (2011).  Knowledge-Base and Online Self-Service*. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 12 (2), pp. 133-151.
  4. W. L. James, G. Torres-Baumgarten, G. Petkovic and T.Havrylenko (2011). Uses and Gratifications of the Internet in Emerging Markets: The Case of Serbia and Ukraine, Journal of Euromarketing, 20, (1 & 2),  (January-June), pp.102-113. N.B. authors incorrect in journal.
  5. Berman, B. (2011).  Strategies to Reduce Product Proliferation. Business Horizons, 54, (6), pp. 551-561.
  6. Wilson, R.T. & B.D. Till (2011). Product Placement in Movies and on Broadway: A Field Study. International Journal of Advertising, 30, (3), pp. 373-398.
  7. DeGuzman, J., J. P. Neelankavil, & K. Sengupta (2011).  Human Resources Roles – Ideal versus Practiced: A Cross-Country Comparison among Organizations in Asia. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 22, (13), pp. 2665-2682.
  8. Evans, J. R. (2011).  Retailing in Perspective: The Past Is a Prologue to the Future. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21, (1), February, 1–31.
  9. Thelen, S., B. Yoo, & V. Magnini (forthcoming).  An Examination of Consumer Sentiment Toward Offshored Services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). 39 (April), pp.  270-289.
  10. Moschis, G. P., F.S. Ong, A. Mathur, T. Yamashita, S. Benmoyal-Dauphie (2011). Family and Television Influences on Materialism: A Cross-Cultural Life-Course ApproachJournal of Asia Business Studies, 5, (2), pp. 124-144.
  11. Fink, R. C., James, W. L., & Hatten K.J. (2011).  Pricing, Purchasing and Product Performance Factors Associated with the Relational Exchanges of Different Sized Customers. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 26, (1),  pp. 34-44.
  12. McMellon, C.A. (2011).  Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead. (review of Scott and Halligan ’s book).  The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, (2), pp. 86.
  13. Yoo, B. (2011).  Store Image on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Effect of Individual and Societal Uncertainty Aversion among American and Korean Consumers. Journal of International Business and Law, 10, (2), pp. 359-368.
  14. Yoo, B., N. Donthu, & T. Lenartowicz (2011).  Measuring Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of Cultural Values at the Individual Level: Development and Validation of CVSCALE.  Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23, (3/4), pp. 193-210.
  15. Fink, R. C., W. L. James, & K. J. Hatten (2011).  Customer Perceptions of Dependencies in Customer-Supplier Relationships. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19, (1), pp.73-89.
  16. Mathur, A. (2011). Consumer Trying: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Targeting, Measurement, and Analysis for Marketing, 19, pp. 45-54.
  17. Barak, B., D. Guiot, A. Mathur, Y Zhang, & K.S. Lee. (2011). An Empirical Assessment of Cross-Cultural Age Self-Construal Measurement: Evidence from Three Countries. Psychology & Marketing. 28, (5), May, pp. 479–495.
  18. Wilson, R.T. and B.D. Till (2011).  Effects of Outdoor Advertising: Does Location Matter? Psychology & Marketing, 28, (9), pp. 909-933.



  1. Berman, B. & K. Swani (2010). Managing Product Safety of Imported Chinese Products. Business Horizons (January-February),  pp.  39-48.
  2. Schiffman, L., S. Thelen, & E. Sherman (2010).  Interpersonal and Political Trust: Modeling Levels of Citizens' Trust. European Journal of Marketing. 44,  (3/4), pp. 369-381.
  3. J. M. Planchon, J. M., W. L. James & L. Van Hoof (2010).  Emotional Responses to Advertising and Intent to Purchase: A Comparison of Three Groups, Belgian Students, U.S. Students, and U.S. Non-Students. International Journal of Business Research. 10,  (5).
  4. Fink, R.C., Hatten, K.J., & James, W.L. (2010).  An Exploratory Study of Factors Associated with Customer Perceptions of Paying Above and Below Market Prices. International Journal of Revenue Management. 17, (1),  (March), pp. 39-53.
  5. Mathur, A., B. Barak, K. S. Lee, Y. Zhang & S. Gould (2010). Physical Vanity Across Cultures: Measurement and Validation. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 3, (4), pp.  313-324.
  6. Swani, K. & Yoo, B. (2010).  Interactions Between Price and Price Deal. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 19,  (2), pp. 143-152.
  7. Wilson, R. T. (2010).  Competing successfully against multinationals: A longitudinal perspective of Hungarian advertising agencies. Journal of Strategic Marketing. 18 ,(2), pp. 143-162.
  8. Honeycutt, Jr., E.D.,  J.B. Ford, & S.Thelen (2010). Three Dichotomies of Marketing Academics. Marketing Education Review. 20, (Summer), pp. 125-136.
  9. Honeycutt, Jr., E.D.,  J.B. Ford, & S.Thelen (2010). Managing and Motivating Marketing Faculty. Marketing Education Review. 20, (Fall), pp. 205-216.
  10. Evans, J. R. (2010).  The Role, Development, and Implementation of a Marketing Knowledge Base as a Tool in the Enhancement and Assessment of Student Learning. Marketing Education Review., 20, (3), pp. 187–202.
  11. Thelen, S., E.D. Honeycutt, Jr. & T. Murphy (2010).  Services Offshoring: Does Perceived Service Quality affect Country-of-Service-Origin Preference? Managing Service Quality. 20, (3),  pp. 196-212.
  12. Evans, J.R.  (2010).  Prospective Entrepreneurs: Plan for the Challenges Ahead. MBA Review [India]. (March): pp. 10-15.
  13. McMellon, C.A. (2010).  Step Out-of-the-Box. Journal of Advertising Education. (Commentary), 14, (1).



  1. Yoo, B. & S-H. Lee (2009). Buy Genuine Luxury Fashion Products or Counterfeits? Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 280-286.  (This paper had also been presented in October 2008 at the Association of Consumer Research conference in San Francisco, California).
  2. Yoo, B. (2009). Cross-National Invariance of the Effect of Personal Collectivistic Orientation on Brand Loyalty and Equity: The United States versus South Korean Consumers. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 21 (1), 4157.
  3. Yoo, B. (2009). Developing an Overall Ranking of 79 Marketing Journals: An Introduction of PRINQUAL to Marketing. Australasian Marketing Journal. 17 (September), 160-174.
  4. Barak, B. (2009). Age identity: A cross-cultural global approach. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33 (1), 2-11.
  5. Zhang, Y, Neelankavil, J. P., & Mathur, A. (2009) The Cultural Relativity of Managerial Leadership Styles: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Middle-Level Managers in Four Countries. International Journal of Business and Public Administration. 6 (3), Fall, 32-49.
  6. Lee, SH, & B. Yoo (2009), A Review of the Determinants of Counterfeiting and Piracy and the Propositions for Future Research, Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 24 (1), 138.
  7. Lee, C. E., G. Gim, & B. Yoo (2009). The Effect of Relationship Quality on Citizen Satisfaction with Electronic Government Services. Marketing Management Journal. 19 (Fall), 118-129.
  8. Evans, J. (2009). The Art of Self-Branding: Making Yourself Relevant to Employers,. MBA Review [India] (December). COVER STORY, pp. 22-27.
  9. Kulviwat, S., G.C. Bruner II, and O. Al-Shuridah (2009). The Effect of Social Influence on Adoption of High technology Innovations: The Moderating Effect of Public/Private Consumption. Journal of Business Research. 62 (7), 706-712.
  10. McMellon, C. (2009).  Digital Engagement. The Journal of Consumer Marketing (review of Harden and Heyman’s book).
  11. James, W., Torres-Baumgarten, G., Petkovic, G., & Havrylenko, T. (2009) A Psychographic Profile of Users of Internet Related Technologies in Serbia and the Ukraine. Journal of East West Business 15 (April-June), 119-140.
  12. Sledgianowski, Deb & S. Kulviwat (2009).  Using Social Network Sites: The Effects of Playfulness, Critical Mass and Trust in a Hedonic ContextJournal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), 74-83.
  13. Fink, R.C., W., James, & K. J. Hatten (2009) An Exploratory Study of Factors Associated with Relational Exchange Choices of Small, Medium and Large Size Customers. Journal of Targeting, Measurement, and Analysis for Marketing. 17, 39-53.
  14. Wilson, R.T. & L.S. Amine (2009). Resource Endowments, Market Positioning and Competition in Transitional Economies. International Marketing Review, 26 (1), 62-89.
  15. Planchon, J.M., W.L. James, & L. Van Hoof (2009). Believability of Informational versus Transformational Prescription Drug Advertising: US Consumers’ Views Versus Belgian Consumers’ Views. Review of Business Research, 4, pp.183-188. (Paper also presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Business and Economics, October, Las Vegas).
  16. Thelen, S., T. Thelen, V. Magnini, & E. Honeycutt (2009). Elements of Service Ethnocentrism. Services Marketing Quarterly, 30, 1-17.



  1. Fink, R.C., W.L. James, & K.J. Hatten (2008). Duration & Relational Choices: Time Based Effects of Customer Performance & Environmental Uncertainty on Relational Choices. Industrial Marketing Management, 37 (4), pp. 367-379.
  2. Fink, R.C., W.L. James, & K.J. Hatten (2008). The Effects of Performance, Environmental Uncertainty and Relational Norms on Customer Commitments to Suppliers over the Duration of Customer-Supplier Relationships, International Journal of Management and Decision Making. 9 (6), 660-685.
  3. Magnusson, P., R.T. Wilson, S. Zdravokovic, J.X. Zhou, & S.A. Westjohn (2008). Breaking Through the Cultural Clutter: A Comparative Assessment of Multiple Cultural and Institutional Frameworks. International Marketing Review. 25 (2), 183-201. Recipient of Emerald Publishing’s Emerald Literati Network 2009 Award for best paper in International Marketing Review during 2008.
  4. Mathur, A., G.P. Moschis, & E. Lee (2008) A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Life Status Changes on Changes in Consumer Preferences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(2), 2334-246.
  5. Baack, D.W., R.T. Wilson, & B.D. Till (2008). Creativity and Memory Effects: Recall, Recognition, and Exploration of Non-Traditional Media. Journal of Advertising. 37, 85-94.
  6. Wilson, R.T. & B.D. Till (2008), Airport Advertising Effectiveness: An Exploratory Field Study. Journal of Advertising. 37 (1), 57-70.
  7. Fink, R.C., W.L. James, K.J. Hatten & L. Bakstran (2008). Supplier Strategies to Increase Customer Purchasers Over the Duration of Customer-Suppler Relationships. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 23 (8), pp.529-543.
  8. McMellon, C. (2008).  Citizen Marketers. The Journal of Consumer Marketing (review of McConnell and Huba’s book).
  9. Magnini V.P. & S.T. Thelen (2008) The Influence of Music on Perceptions of Brand Personality, Décor, and Service Quality: The Case of Classical Music in a Fine-Dining Restaurant. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 16 (3), 286-300
  10. Neelankavil, J. & M. Chandra (2008). New Product Development for Developing Countries. Journal of Management Development. 27 (10), pp: 117-125
  11. McMellon, C. (2008).  The 50-Plus Market. The Journal of Product and Brand Management (review of Stroud’s book).
  12. Sherman, E., S. Thelen, & L. Schiffman (2008). Impact of Trust on Candidates, Branches of the Government and the Media within the Context of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election. Journal of Political Marketing.
  13. James, W.L., G. Torres-Baumgarten, G. Petkovic, & T. Havrylenko (2008). Exploring Web Language Orientation in Emerging Markets: The Eastern European Case. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 16 (3): 189-202.
  14. Nasco, S., S. Kulviwat, A. Kumar, & G. C. Bruner II (2008). The CAT Model: Extensions and Moderators of Dominance in Technology Acceptance. Psychology & Marketing. 25 (10), 987-1005.
  15. Lee, K. S. & Kulviwat, S.(2008). Korean Workers' Motivation Tools: Commitment and Incentive-Based Motivation & Their Relative Impact on Behavioral Outcome Multinational Business Review, 16, 87-109.
  16. Berman, B. (2008). Strategies to Detect and Reduce Counterfeiting Activity. Business Horizons. May/June, 191-199.



  1. Saran, A., C. Guo, & S. Kulviwat (2007). Marketing Strategy in Transition Economies: The Case of IndiaInternational Journal of Business Research, 7 (2), 85-93
  2. Lee, E., G. P. Moschis, & A. Mathur, (2007). Stress, Coping, and Consumer Preferences: A Two-Way Transitional Event History Analysis. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(4), July, pp. 428-435.
  3. Wilson, R.T & B.D. Till (2007). Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: Building and Testing a Model for Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 47 (3) , 270-282.
  4. McMellon, C. (2007).  Pop! Standout in Any Crowd, The Journal of Consumer Marketing  (review of Horn’s book), 24(2), 120-121.
  5. Wilson, R.T (2007). Acculturation and Discrimination in the Global Market Place: The Case of Hispanics in the U.S. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20 (1) 67-78.
  6. Honeycutt, Jr., E.D., C. DiRienzo, R. Pavlik, & S.T. Thelen (2007). How Realistic Are Student Attitudes Toward Selected Careers. The Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 2(1): 69 – 75.
  7. Neelankavil, J. & D. Comer (2007). The Best of the Best: Lessons from the Top Performing American Corporations, 1954-2005. Journal of Management Development. 26 (5): 499-515.
  8. McMellon, C. (2007).  The 50-Plus Market. The Journal of Product and Brand Management (review of Stroud’s book)
  9. Hu, J., B.A. Huhmann, & M.R. Hyman (2007). The Relationship between Task Complexity and Information Search: The Role of Self-Efficacy. Psychology & Marketing, 24 (3), 253-270.
  10. Kulviwat, S., G.C. Bruner II, A. Kumar, S.A. Nasco, & T. Clark (2007), Toward a Unified Theory of Consumer Acceptance of Technology. Psychology & Marketing. 24 (12), 1067-1092.



  1. Niffenegger, P., S. Kulviwat, and N. Engchanil (2006). Conflicting Cultural Imperatives in Modern Thailand: Global PerspectivesAsia Pacific Business Review. Special Issue: Business and Management in South East Asia: Studies in Diversity and Dynamism, 12 (4), 403-420.
  2. Berman, B. (2006). Developing an Effective Customer Loyalty Program. California Management Review. (Fall), 123-148.
  3. Berman, B. (2006). Developing an Effective Customer Loyalty Program. Holland Management Review. This is a Dutch translation of the California Management Review article.
  4. Guiot, D., B. Barak, K. Lee, Y. Zhang, & S. Gould (2006). L'Age Subjectif par dela les Frontieres:  Une Etude Cross Culturelle dans le Secteur de la Mode Vestimentaire. Decisions Marketing, (43-44), pp. 55-65.
  5. Planchon. J.M., W.L. James, & L. Van Hoof (2006). A Preliminary Examination of Consumer Reactions to Direct To Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising: US and Belgian Perspectives. International Journal of Business Research, 5 (2): 122-130. Paper was also presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Business and Economics in October 2006, in Las Vegas.
  6. Kulviwat, S., R.Thakur & C. Guo (2006).  An Exploratory Study of Consumer Adoption of Online Shopping: Mediating Effect of Online Purchase Intention. International Journal of E-Business Research, 2 (2), 68-82.
  7. Hsu, S. H. & S. Kulviwat (2006).  An Integrative Framework of Technology Acceptance Model and Personalization in Mobile Commerce.  International Journal of Technology Marketing, 1 (4), 393-410.
  8. Hsu, S.H. & Songpol Kulviwat (2006). Personalization and Customer Satisfaction in Mobile CommerceEncyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce. Idea Group References: Hershey, PA.
  9. Zhang, Y. & G. Zinkhan (2006). Humor in Television Advertising: Does Audience Involvement Matter?  Journal of Advertising.  35 (4), 113-127.
  10. Moschis G. P. & A. Mathur (2006).  Older Consumer Responses to Marketing Stimuli: The Power of Subjective Age. Journal of Advertising Research, 46 (3), 339-346.
  11. Thelen, S., J. B. Ford & E. D. Honeycutt, Jr. (2006).  The Impact of Regional Affiliation on Consumer Perceptions of Relationships among Behavioral Construct. Journal of Business Research. 9 (September), 965-973.
  12. Mathur A., G. P. Moschis & E. Lee (2006). Consumer Stress - Handling Strategies: Theory and Research Findings. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 5(3), 193-203.
  13. McMellon, C. (2006).  Web Copy That Sells: Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy Every Time. The Journal of Consumer Marketing (review of Veloso’s book).
  14. McMellon, C.A. and M. Long (2006). Sympathy, Patriotism, and Cynicism:  How Advertisers and Consumers Reacted after 9/11/01. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 28 (2), 1-18.
  15. Papaioannou, G. & A. Mathur (2006). Editors’ Introductory Comments. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10 (May), 83-85.
  16. Fink. R., L. F. Edelman, K. J. Hatten & W. L. James (2006). Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Dependency Theory and Customer-Supplier Relationships. Journal of Industrial and Corporate Change. 15 (3): 497-529.
  17. Mathur A., E. Lee & G. P. Moschis (2006). Life-Changing Events and Marketing Opportunities. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14(2), 115-128.
  18. Long, M, C. A., McMellon, S.D. Clark & L. G. Schiffman (2006). Building Loyalty: An Empirical Examination of Relationship Marketing. Services Marketing Quarterly, 1-17.
  19. Neelankavil, J. P.  & M. Chandra (2006) Strategic and Management Tools for Innovation. Improving Quality of Stakeholder Engagement (January): 13-19.



  1. Neelankavil, J. P., M. Chandra & J. Ullman (2005) Strategic Tools for Innovation and Their Impact On the Long-Term Success of Modern Corporations. Annual Review of Communications. Vol.58, (Fall), 169-178.
  2. Berman, B. (2005).  Applying Yield Management Pricing to Your Service Business. Business Horizons. (March-April), 169-179.
  3. Berman, B. (2005). How to Delight Your Customers. California Management Review. (Fall), 129-151.
  4. Honeycutt, E. D., T. Thelen, S. Thelen & S. K. Hodge (2005) Impediments to Sales Force Automation.  Industrial Marketing Management. 34 (4), 313-322.
  5. Evans, J. & A. Mathur (2005). The Value of Internet Surveys: The Future is Now. Internet Research. 15 (2), 195-219
  6. Yoo, B. & J. Totten (2005). The Effects of Marketing Education and Individual Cultural Values on the Ethics of a Southern School’s Students. International Journal of Business Disciplines. 16 (2), 73-84.
  7. Evans, J.  (2005). Are the Largest Public Retailers Top Financial Performers? A Longitudinal Analysis. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. (11), 842-857.
  8. Bharadwaj, S., T. Clark & S. Kulviwat (2005). Marketing, Market Growth, and Endogenous Growth Theory: An Inquiry into the Causes of Market Growth. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 33 (3), 347-359.
  9. Comer D. R. & W. L. James (2005). Business Faculty Members’ Emotional responses to Institutional Service. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 6 (Spring), 1-10.
  10. Forman, A., D. Lester & D. Loyd (2005). Relationship Avoidance: The Advantage of the Internet.  Journal of Business, Industry and Economics. 6 (Fall) 15-26.
  11. Lee, K. S. & T. Gao (2005).  Studying Organizational Commitment with the OCQ in the Korean Retail Context: Its Dimensionality and Relationships with Satisfaction and Work Outcomes. The International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research. 15 (4), 375-399.
  12. Yoo, B. & N. Donthu (2005). The Effect of Personal Cultural Orientation on Consumer Ethnocentrism: Evaluations and Behaviors of U.S. Consumers toward Japanese Products. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 18 (1/2), 7-44.
  13. McMellon, C. (2005).  The Customer Learning Curve: Creating Profits from Marketing Chaos. The Journal of Product and Brand Management (review of Hellman & Burst’s book), 14(5).
  14. McMellon, C. (2005).  Inclusive Branding: The Why and How of a Holistic Approach to Brands. The Journal of Product and Brand Management (review of Schmidt & Ludlow’s book), 14(1), 74-75.
  15. McMellon, C. (2005).  Defending the Brand; Aggressive Strategies for Protecting Your Brand in the Online Arena. The Journal of Product and Brand Management (review of Murray’s book), 14(1).
  16. James, W. L., A. J. Kover, B. S. Sonner & J. P. Keeler (2005). Some Insights into the Reliability and Validity of The Ayer Battery of Emotional Responses. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. 13 (4), 374-382.
  17. Mathur A. & G. P. Moschis (2005).  Antecedents of Cognitive Age: A Replication and Extension. Psychology & Marketing. 22 (12), 969-994.



  1. Thelen, S., S. Mottner & B. Berman (2004).  Data Mining: Following the Trail to Marketing Gold. Business Horizons. (November/December), 25-33.
  2. Berman, B. (2004). Strategies to Combat the Sale of Gray Market Goods. Business Horizons. (July-August), 51-60.
  3. McMellon, C.A. & I. Eftimov (2004).  Exploring the Determinants of the Media Negotiation Process: A Qualitative Study. Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 26 (2), 27-39.
  4. Jantan, M. A, E. D. Honeycutt, S. Thelen & A. Attia, The Effect of Managerial Sales Training on Sales Managers' Performance: Comparison of Global and Domestic Firms in Malaysia. Industrial Marketing Management.  33 (7), 667-673.
  5. Minjoon, J., J. Hu and R. T. Peterson (2004). A Comparison of Information Searchers and E-shoppers on the Perceptions of E-shopping Factors: An Assessment. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 1 (2), 204-228.
  6. Hatten, K. J. W. L. James & D. G. Meyer (2004). The Longevity of the Performance Effects of the Miles and Snow Strategic Archetypes: A Ten-Year Perspective in US Banking. International Journal of Management and Decision Making. 5 (2-3), 196-215.
  7. Berman, B. & S. Thelen (2004). A Guide to Developing and Managing a Well- Integrated Multi-Channel Retail Strategy. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 32 (3), 147-156.
  8. McMellon, C. (2004).  How to Advertise: What Works, What Doesn’-And Why  The Journal of Consumer Marketing  (review of Roman, Maas & Nisenholtz), 21, 366-367.
  9. Yoo, B. & S-H. Lee (2004), The Buyers of Counterfeit Products in South Korea. Journal of International Business and Law. 3 (1), 95-112.
  10. Thelen, S. & E. D. Honeycutt (2004). Assessing National Identity in Russia Utilizing the NATID Scale. Journal of International Marketing. 12 (2), 58-82
  11. Kulviwat, S. & C. Guo & N. Engchanil (2004). Online Information Search: A Critical Review and Assessment.  Journal of Internet Research: Electronic Networking, Applications and Policy. 14 (3), 245-253.
  12. McMellon, C. A. & M. Long (2004). Exploring the Determinants of Retail Service
  13. Quality on the Internet. Journal of Services Marketing.  18(1), 78-90.
  14. James W. J., C. A. McMellon & G. Torres-Baumgarten (2004). Dogs and Cats Rule: A New Insight into Segmentation.  Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. 13 (1), 1-8.
  15. Forman, A., D. Lester & D. Loyd (2004). Internet Shopping and Buying Behavior of College StudentsServices Marketing Quarterly. 27 (3); 2004.



  1. Peterson, R. T. & J. Hu (2003). Analyzing Historical Industry Behavior in Marketing Management and Strategy Courses: A Guide for Contemporary Educators.  Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 7 (1), 43-58.
  2. Barak, B., A. Mathur, Y. Zhang, K. S. Lee & E. Erondu  (2003)  Age Satisfaction in Africa and Asia: a Cross-Cultural Exploration. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics. Vol. 15 (1/2), 3-26.
  3. Berman, B. (2003). Are You Ready to Implement a Successful E Commerce Strategy. Ekonomika predazeca [Journal of the Association of Yugoslav Economists]. (January-February 2003), 12-19 (in Serbian].
  4. Evans, J. (2003). The Strategic Role of the Internet: A Marketing Perspective. Ekonomika preduzeca [Journal of the Association of Yugoslav Economists]. (January-February), 5-11 (in Serbian].
  5. James W. L. (2003). Upotreba Interneta U Realizaciji Istrazivanja Marketinga [Using the Internet to Conduct Marketing Research], Ekonomika preduzecam [Journal of the Association of Yugoslav Economists]. 65 (Januar- Februar), 20-25. (in Serbian].
  6. Long, M., S. D. Clark, L.G. Schiffman & C.A. McMellon (2003). In the Air Again: Frequent Flyer Relationship Programs and Business Travelers’ Quality of  Life. International Journal of Travel Research. 5 (6), 421-423.
  7. Dou, W., B. Yoo, & M. L. Yu (2003). Consumer Patronage of Ethnic Portals. International Marketing Review. 20 (6), 661-677.
  8. Yoo, B. & R. Mandhachitara (2003). Estimating Advertising Effects on Sales in a Competitive Setting.   Journal of Advertising Research. 43 (Spetember), 310-321.
  9. Neelankavil, J. P. & V. T. Alganar (2003). Strategic Resource Commitment of High Technology Firms: An International ComparisonJournal of Business Research. 56 (5), 493-502
  10. Mathur, A., G. P. Moschis, & E. Lee (2003). Life Events and Brand Preference Changes.  Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 3 (2), 129-141.
  11. Yoo, B., D. K. Schuler & G. A. Sneide (2003). Do Information Technology-Savvy Salespeople Sell More? Journal of Marketing Management, 13 (1), 14-22.
  12. Honeycutt, E. D. & S. Thelen (2003). Marketing Career Preparation in the Philippines. Marketing Education Review. 13 (3), pp. 65-73
  13. Schiffman, L G., E. Sherman & M. Long (2003).Towards a Better Understanding of the Interplay of Personal Values and the Internet. Psychology & Marketing. 20 (2), 169-185.



  1. Berman, B. (2002). Should Your Firm Adopt a Mass Customization Strategy? Business Horizons. (July-August), 51-60.
  2. McMellon, C.A. & L.G. Schiffman. (2002). Cybersenior Empowerment: How Some Older Individuals are Taking Control of Their Lives. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 21 (2), 157-175.
  3. Dadzie, K. Q., W. J. Johnston, B. Yoo, and T. G. Brashear (2002), Measurement Equivalence and Applicability of Core Marketing Concepts Across Nigerian, Kenyan, Japanese and U.S. Firms: An optimal Scaling Approach. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 17 (6), 430-455.
  4. Pesch, M. J., B. Yoo & V. Osendorf (2002). Bo Diddley’s.  Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies. 8 (2), 29-35 (Teaching notes are published in 8 (3), 107-117).
  5. Pesch, M. J., B. Yoo & Vicki Osendorf (2002), Gilbert Printing.  Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies. 8 (5), 39-44 (Teaching notes are published in 8 (7), 43-50).
  6. Mottner, S., S. Thelen & K. Karande (2002). An Exploratory Study of Internet Retailer Typologies. Journal of Marketing Channels. 10 (1), 3-23
  7. Berman, B. & A. Sharland (2002). The Teaching of Relationship Marketing Concepts in Introductory Undergraduate Marketing Principles and Graduate Introductory Marketing Courses. Journal of Marketing Education. (August), 125-134.
  8. Yoo, B. & N. Donthu (2002). The Effects of Marketing Education and Individual Cultural Values on Marketing Ethics of Students. Journal of Marketing Education. 24 (August), 92-103.
  9. Thelen, S. & K. R. Coulson (2002). Diagnosing Russian National Character utilizing Clark's Comprehensive Framework. Journal of Marketing Management. 12 (1) Spring, 19-31
  10. Yoo, B. & R. E. Sibley (2002). Dynamic Co-Existence of Company-Owned and Franchised Outlets: A Framework of the Franchisor Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management. 12 (2), 23-38.
  11. Sherman, E. & L. G. Schiffman (2002). Political Marketing Research in the 2000 U.S. ElectionJournal of Political Marketing. 1 (2-3), Spring, 53-68.
  12. Yoo, B. & N. Donthu (2002). Testing Cross-Cultural Invariance of Brand Equity Creation Process.  Journal of Product & Brand Management. 11 (6), 380-398.
  13. Schiffman, L G., E. Sherman & N. Kirpalani (2002). Trusting Souls: A Segmentation of the Voting Public.   Psychology and Marketing. 19 (12), 993-1008
  14. Yoo, B. (2002). Cross-Group Comparisons: A Cautionary NotePsychology & Marketing. 19 (April), 357-368.



  1. Evans, J. R. & B. Berman (2001). Conceptualizing and Operationalizing the Business- to-Business Value Chain. Industrial Marketing Management. 30 (February), 135-148.
  2. Mathur, A., Y. Zhang, & J. P. Neelankavil (2001). Critical Managerial Motivational Factors: A Cross Cultural Analysis of Four Culturally Divergent Countries. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. 1 (3), 251-267.
  3. Evans, J.R.  & I. L. Haase (2001) Online Business Education in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Potential Target Markets. Internet Research. 3, 246-260.
  4. James, W. L. & B.S. Sonner (2001). Just Say No to Traditional Student Samples. Journal of Advertising Research. 41, 5 (September/October), 63-71.
  5. Mathur A., B. Barak, Y. Zhang, & K.S. Lee (2001). A Cross-Cultural Procedure to Assess Reliability and Measurement Invariance. Journal of Applied Measurement. 2 (3), 241-255.
  6. Lee, E., G. P. Moschis & A. Mathur (2001). A Study of Life Events and Changes in Patronage BehaviorJournal of Business Research. 54 (1), 25-38.
  7. Yoo, B. & N. Donthu (2001).  Developing and Validating a Multidimensional Consumer- Based Brand Equity ScaleJournal of Business Research. 52 (April), 1-14.
  8. Flynn, D. & A. Forman (2001). Venture Capital Involvement in Their New Venture Organizations: An Analysis By Life Cycle Stage. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 6 (1).
  9. Thelen, S. & A. Zhuplev (2001). A Comparison of Russian and American Approaches to Ethical Issues in Russian Small Businesses. Journal of East-West Business. 7 (4), 29-54.
  10. McMellon, C. A. & L. G. Schiffman (2001). Cybersenior Research: A Practical Approach to Data Collection.  Journal of Interactive Marketing. 15(4), 46-55.
  11. Evans, J. R. (2001). The Emerging Role of the Internet In Marketing Education: From Traditional Teaching to Technology-Based Education.   Marketing Education Review. (Fall) 1-14.
  12. Barak, B., A. Mathur , Y. Zhang, & K.S. Lee (2001). Perceptions of Age-Identity: A Cross-Cultural Inner-Age Exploration. Psychology & Marketing. 18(10), 1003-1029
  13. Sherman, E., L. G. Schiffman & A.Mathur (2001). The Influence of Gender on the New Age Elderly’s Consumption Orientations. Psychology & Marketing. 18(10), 1073-1089.
  14. Thelen, S. (2001). The Internet as a Channel for Market Research: Avenues for Future Research.  Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2 (3), 215.
  15. Yoo, B. & N. Donthu (2001).  Developing a Scale to Measure the Perceived Quality of an Internet Shopping Site (SITEQUAL. Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2 (1), 31-47.



  1. Evans, J. & I. L. Haase (2000). What’s Ahead for Online Higher Education: A Consumer Perspective. Futures Research Quarterly. (Fall), 33-46.
  2. Yoo, B., N. Donthu & S. Lee (2000). An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elements and Brand Equity.   Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 28 (April), 195-211.
  3. Neelankavil, J. P., A. Mathur & Y. Zhang (2000). Determinants of Managerial Performance: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Middle Managers from Four Countries. Journal of International Business Studies
  4. Buda, R. & Y. Zhang (2000). Consumer Product Evaluation: the Interactive Effect of Message Framing, Presentation Order, and Source Credibility. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 9 (4), 229-240.



  1. Berman, B. (1999). Planning for the Inevitable Product Recall. Business Horizons. (March-April). 69-78.
  2. Zhang, Y. & R. Buda (1999). The Moderating Effects of Need for Cognition and Source Credibility on Positively versus Negatively Framed Advertising Messages. Journal of Advertising. 28 (2), 1-15.
  3. McMellon, C. A.  (1999). Integrating University, Community, and Student Goals in an Advertising Skills Course. Journal of Advertising Education.  3 (Spring), 9-15.
  4. Dadzie, K. Q., W. J. Johnston, E. W. Dadzie & B. Yoo (1999). Influence in the Organizational Buying Center and Logistics Automation Technology Adoption. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 14 (5/6), 433-444.
  5. Evans, J. & V. E. King (1999). Business-to-Business Marketing and the World Wide Web: Planning, Managing, and Assessing Web Sites Industrial Marketing Management. 28 (June), pages 343-358.
  6. Barak, B. & D. Rahtz (1999). Perceived Youth: Appraisal and Characterization. The International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 49 (3), 231-257.
  7. Mohamed, A. A., H. A. Conley & B. Yoo (1999). Perceptions of Child Care Center Owners in Chicago: Implications For Public Policy. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 19 (7/8), 100-113.
  8. Mathur, A. (1999). Adoption of Technological Innovations by the Elderly: A Consumer Socialization Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management. 9(3), Winter, 21-35.
  9. Mathur, A. & G. P. Moschis (1999). Exploring the Intergenerational Caregiver Market: A study of Family Care Providers for the Elderly. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 7 (Summer), 76-86.
  10. Mathur, A. & G. P. Moschis (1999). Socialization Influence on Preparation for Late Life. Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science. 5(6/7/8), 163-176.
  11. Mathur, A., G. P.  Moschis & E. Lee (1999). Stress and Consumer Behavior: Coping Strategies of Older Adults.  Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science. 5 (6/7/8), 233-247.



  1. Lee, K. S. & A. Mathur (1998) Formalization, Role Stress, Commitment, and Work Outcomes: An Empirical Analysis of South Korean Workers.  Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 2(3), 45-64.
  2. Donthu, N. & B. Yoo (1998).  Cultural Influences on Service Quality Expectations. Journal of Service Research. 1 (November), 178-185.
  3. Barak, B. (1998). The Inner Ages of Middle-Aged Prime-Lifers. The International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 46 (3), 189-228.
  4. Mathur, A. (1998). Incorporating Choice into an Attitudinal Framework: Cross- Cultural Extension and Additional Findings.  International Journal of Consumer Marketing. 10(4), 93-110.
  5. Sachdev, H., A. Mathur & E. Lee (1998) Age-Related Differences in Cognitive Responses: Multitheoritical Perspectives and Additional Findings.  The Journal of the Association of Marketing Educators.  2 (1), 38-54.
  6. Yoo, B., N. Donthu & B. K. Pilling (1998). Channel Efficiency: Franchise versus Non- Franchise SystemsJournal of Marketing Channels. 6 (3/4), 1-15.
  7. Donthu, N. & B. Yoo (1998).  Retail Productivity Assessment Using Data Envelopment Analysis.  Journal of Retailing.74 (Spring), 89-105.
  8. Mathur, A., E. Sherman & L. G. Schiffman (1998). Opportunities for Marketing Travel Services to New Age Elderly.   Journal of Services Marketing. 12 (4), 265-277.
  9. Mathur, A. (1998). Examining Trying as a Mediator and Control as a Moderator of Intention--Behavior Relationship. Psychology & Marketing. 15 (3), 241-259.
  10. Thelen, S., J. B. Ford & E. D. Honeycutt, Jr. (2006).  Demographic, Psychographic, and Product Specific Variables Impact on Nationalistic Product Preferenc. Thunderbird International Business Review. 48 (5), September-October.
  11. Wilson, R.T. (2006), Hungary’ for Change: U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, George Herbert Walker III, Discusses the Competitive Position, Regional Participation, and Global Aspirations of Hungary. Thunderbird International Business Review, 48 (6), 759-771.