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Cultural Center

A Symposium

From Brown (1954) to Brown (1963)
and Beyond: The Challenges of Advancing
Race Relations in Schools and Society

Thursday, October 27, 2011

This symposium examines the continuing significance of the 1954 Supreme Court decision; the impact of the "First Children" to break school race barriers, including Professor Millicent Brown in South Carolina (1963); and the current implications of race, education and diversity for Long Island and our nation.

Related Events:   
School Symposium: Educational Equity and Race: Views From Middle and High School Students (by invitation only)
Date: Tuesday, October 25
Location: Student Center Theater
              Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus

Hofstra University Center for Civic Engagement a
and the
Hofstra University Office of the Provost and
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Day of Dialogue VIII: Power, Resistance and Democracy  
A day devoted to dialogue, debate and discussion of the issues that face our nation and world, with panel discussions, workshops and performances.
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 26, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Admission: Free
For more information about Day of Dialogue, please contact Professor Mario A. Murillo at (516) 462-6062.