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Cultural Center

Topics for papers or presentations include:

Evolution of Children's Pleasures: Past, Present, and Future
History of Children's Toys in America
Children's Games in Diverse Historical Time Periods
Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Children's Toys and Games
Child's Play in Adversity: Slavery, Orphanages, Hospitals, Internment Camps
Folk Toys
Toy Museums: Preserving Childhood Pleasures
Play Ball! Children's Sports and Games in Historical and Cross-Cultural Perpectives
Street Games and the Urban Experience
Norman Rockwell: Chronicler of American Childhood
St. Nicholas and 20th Century Commercialization of Growth of Toy Merchandising
Future of Child's Play

The Wide World of Children's Play and Pleasures
Food History: Sweets for Kids
Playing With Food: Delight and Learning in the Kitchen
Children's Art: Expressing Emotions, Exploring Ideas
Physical Play
History and Future of Adaptive Toys and Play for Children With Disabilities
Learning to Play
Therapeutic Play
Crayons, Clay and Creativity: Children Playing With Media
Tub Toys: Parents Luring Children to Cleanliness
Children's Play With Pets
Action Figures: Heroic Icons and Role Models for Boys
Teddy Bears: Beloved Toys and Story Characters
Messages in Music for Children: Its-Bitsy Spider
Boredom Banished: Board Games for Children
Books for Toddlers: Play and Reading
Dressed to Play: Costumes, Acting and Celebrations
WIRED! Playing With the World in the Palm of Your Hand: Computerized and Electronic Games
Mental Gymnastics
Constructive Play: Building Blocks and Erector Sets for Fun and Learning
Electric Trains: Designing the Landscape, Controlling the Transportation System
Dolls and Dollhouses: Miniaturizing and Managing the Domestic World
Playful Museum Experiences for Children
Children's Play and Humor
Dramatic Improvisation

How and Why It's Made: The Design and Craft of Children's Toys, Games and Books
Designing Toys for Children
Art of Children's Book Illustration
Antiques of American Childhood: Toys, Dolls, Clothing and Cradles
When Artists Make Unique Toys for Children
Child-made Toys

Controversies About Children's Play and Pleasures
Media Madness: Panacea or Problem-Creators
Romanticizing Childhood in Art and Literature
Child's Play and the Cultivation of Imagination: Panel Discussion
The Hurried Child, The Over-Scheduled Child: Whatever Happened to Free Play?
Current Controversies About Child's Play: Product Safety, Gender Segregation, Social Values
Our Barbies, Our Selves: Doll Play and Girls' Self-Images
Roughhousing: Boys Will be Boys: The History of an Idea
Dodging the Ball: Forbidden Play
Is There Time for Play in the Classroom?
Play and Learning: What's the Connection?
Films for Children
Play and Literacy
Children's Libraries: Will the Future Resemble the Past?