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Cultural Center

Jorge E. Eielson

Thursday, November 4, 2014, 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus

In honor of the great Peruvian poet and artist Jorge Eduardo Eielson (1924-2006), these events will feature comments, readings, and visuals by prominent writers and scholars from Peru, the United States, and Italy (where the poet lived for many years).

Eielson was known for his iconoclastic poetry and his quipus, today considered precursors of conceptual art.

Keynote Speaker: Martha Canfield
Professor of Latin American Literature
University of Florence, Italy
Joseph G. Astman Distinguished Conference Scholar
“Fundadores de siglo XX: Jorge Eduardo Eielson y la poesía verbo-voco-visual”/"Founders of the Twentieth Century: Jorge Eduardo Eielson and Verb-Voco-Visual Poetry"

Symposium Director: Miguel-Angel Zapata
Professor of Spanish
Hofstra University 

ALL EVENTS ARE FREE and open to the public.
To register, RSVP by email to HOFCULCTR@hofstra.edu

For more information please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669

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