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Cultural Center

Hofstra University Department of Music
Hofstra University Department of Drama and Dance

and the

Hofstra Cultural Center


Black History Month Concert

"Up South: The Great Migration in Sound and Movement" featuring performances by the Hofstra Chamber Singers, Jazz Ensemble, Hofstra student dancers, invited choral ensembles from Hempstead High School and Uniondale High School and acclaimed soloists Diana Solomon-Glover, Robert Hughes and Steven Herring.  Hofstra student actors will guide the audience through a semi-historical narrative describing the great migration. Hofstra Jazz band will round off the show with a Count Basie dance featuring set choreographed by Mickey Davidson.  

Date/Time: Sunday, February 9, 5 p.m.

Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus

Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID.
Members of the Hofstra community receive two free tickets with current HofstraCard.
Students under 18 receive one free ticket.
$  5-- Group rate (15+). 
Tickets may be purchased at the door.
Tickets on sale beginning January 7, 2014.
For tickets and information, unless otherwise noted, please contact
the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, 
Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.