Provost's Office Policies

Syllabus Info for Faculty

The inclusion of information about policies and services in your syllabi will help ensure effective communication of expectations and make the experience in the classroom and the community more welcoming and productive for both faculty and students.

Class Attendance:

Participating in class — including attending in-person or synchronous online class meetings — is an essential part of a Hofstra education.

Instructor and Student Responsibility:
It is the responsibility of each instructor to specify clearly on the course syllabus office hours, all class attendance and participation requirements, including policies related to missed assignments, quizzes, and exams. Instructors reserve the right to adjust course content and/or the pace of course progress. Students are responsible for staying up to date with all adjustments. When a student fails to attend class as required, it remains the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor by email prior to or immediately after class time to explain the absence. Faculty and students recognize that students who do not feel well should not come to an in-person class. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss with the instructor and make up any missed assignments, quizzes, or exams and to fulfill all class participation requirements in a timely manner. Students may make medical appointments at the Student Health Center (SHC) by visiting the Medicat portal. Students who are ill for more than one day should use the Illness Report link to report an absence from class due to illness or injury and upload any supporting documentation. Faculty will receive notification of anticipated absence(s) via email from the Dean of Students Office about confirmed health and emergency circumstances that may influence students' attendance in classes. Students should talk with faculty about the most appropriate way to continue to participate in class and/or catch up on missed work.

Instructors should warn students whose repeated absences are cause for academic concern and inform students if they are in danger of failing the course because of the amount of work or class participation missed. If needed, and if permitted under relevant policies, the student may drop or withdraw from the course. Students with long-term illnesses that prevent regular attendance should coordinate with their academic advisors and Student Access Services (SAS) for appropriate accommodations.

Web Cameras:
Classes are scheduled to be in-person. However, there may be an occasion when a synchronous online class meeting is warranted. In that instance and for pedagogical, academic integrity, and security reasons, instructors may require students to have their web cameras turned on during synchronous online class meetings, labs, and exams. If specific testing software is required for exams, the student is responsible for ensuring it works properly before an exam. Instructors should clearly indicate on the syllabus any course requirements for camera use. If a student has compelling technological or environmental reasons for leaving the camera off during class, the student should communicate directly and privately with the instructor to request an exemption and explore possible solutions.

Availability of Course Materials When Students are Unable to Attend Class:
Each faculty member will determine a method(s) to accommodate students who cannot attend class(es) due to medical reasons and are enrolled in classes which include an in-person component. Some examples of course materials faculty may make available include PowerPoint presentations, class notes, recorded classes, or other resources deemed appropriate by the instructor. It is understood that only students enrolled in the course may view any materials posted online. It is important to note that there are some limited instances (e.g. due to the nature of the course material and assignments or based on licensure or accreditation standards), where classes cannot be completed without participation on campus or in a clinical setting. In these instances, the major department will work with the student to make alternative arrangements to help the student stay on track in their degree program.

Recording in Classes

To support an inclusive, non-disruptive and respectful learning environment while protecting privacy rights and intellectual property, recording* of class by students is prohibited without prior express, written consent of the instructor. Exceptions are allowed for students who receive documented accommodations through the Office of Student Access Services. As with other accommodations, students will notify professors of their accommodation.  Recording devices and software are solely for the use of the student who received the accommodation.  Students may not share recording devices or software, or any electronic files created using those devices or software, with any other person, or post any recordings on any platform.

Please refer to Faculty Policy Series 50 for consequences of non-compliance with this standard of behavior.

*Recording includes audio, video and still photographs and products resulting therefrom, e.g. transcripts of course dialogue and lecture capture software.

Inclement Weather:

When on-campus classes are suspended for snow or other inclement weather, faculty are encouraged to hold classes remotely whenever pedagogically appropriate and logistically reasonable. The decision to do so is left to the discretion of each faculty member and should be communicated to students in a timely manner. Cancelled classes should be rescheduled. One reading day per semester is available as a conversion day to make up classes missed due to inclement weather. Students should notify their professors when inclement weather precludes attending class.

On snow days or other school closures when on-campus classes are not held, childcare interruptions, weather emergencies, bandwidth, technology or other home arrangements may interrupt class attendance. Students who are experiencing these issues should contact their faculty about possible ways to participate in class and/or catch up on missed work. In such cases, students are allowed to make up missed work.

Academic Integrity:

Hofstra University places high value upon educating students about academic integrity. At the same time, the University will not tolerate dishonesty, and it will not offer the privileges of the community to the repeat offender. The academic community assumes that work of any kind — whether a research paper, a critical essay, a homework assignment, a test or quiz, a computer program, or a creative assignment in any medium — is done, entirely and without unauthorized assistance, by the individual(s) whose name(s) it bears. Students bear the ultimate responsibility for implementing the principles of academic integrity. For more information, please visit Faculty Policy Series #11 or Faculty Policy Series #11G.

Generative AI tools are becoming ubiquitous. Each faculty member is encouraged to consider if/how these technologies can support their teaching and their students’ learning. Faculty should establish and communicate guidelines for use (or prohibition) in their classes.

If the use of AI tools is permitted with acknowledgement, please follow the syllabus guidelines linked here.

If the use of AI tools is allowed only with permission and acknowledgement, please follow the syllabus guidelines linked here.

If the use of AI tools is prohibited in your course, please follow the syllabus guidelines linked here.

For strategies on communicating AI/ML policies with students, please visit the Guidelines for Communicating AI Policies web page.

About the Honor Code and Academic Dishonesty. The University community affirms an expression of commitment through the Hofstra University Honor Code, which is a statement of our shared values.

  • Hofstra University Honor Code: “As a member of the Hofstra community I pledge to demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in all aspects of my life, both inside and out of the classroom. I understand that I am accountable for everything I say and write. I will not misrepresent my academic work, nor will I give or receive unauthorized assistance for academic work. I agree to respect the rights of all members of the Hofstra community. I will be guided by the values expressed in the P.R.I.D.E Values. I accept the responsibility to follow this Honor Code at all times.”
  • Honor Code Short Form: “I pledge on my honor that I have done this work with honesty and integrity, without giving or receiving unauthorized assistance.”
  • Turnitin for Textual Similarity Review: “Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy stated in the site.”
  • Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty are serious ethical and professional infractions. For information regarding academic integrity, examples of violations, procedures for handling violations, as well as a student’s right to appeal a charge, see Faculty Policy Series #11 or Faculty Policy Series #11G.

Student Health and Wellness

Recognizing that a healthy mind and body are the foundations for academic and personal success, Hofstra's Health and Wellness services provide an array of resources, including counseling, illness care, reproductive healthcare, and more, to support our students' diverse needs.

We are proud to partner with TimelyCare, offering students 24/7 access to virtual health and well-being services at no cost. TimelyCare provides these services and is accessible from any device:

  • TalkNow - 24/7, on-demand emotional support.
  • Scheduled Counseling - Select the day, time, and mental health provider of choice (10 visits per year).
  • Self-Care Content - 24/7 access to self-care tools and resources, such as meditation and yoga sessions, helpful videos, and short articles from experts.

Students should register at Registration ensures that students can prioritize their health and wellness throughout their time at Hofstra.

In addition to services for students, TimelyCare offers Faculty Support — a service for faculty and staff that is designed to equip faculty with information to help students who may be struggling. It’s available 24/7/365 for free so faculty can get the guidance on how to support a student in need of care. You can access Faculty Support by calling 833-484-6359 (ext. 2).

Disability-Related Accommodations:

Students needing responsible accommodations based on a disability should contact Student Access Services (SAS). SAS ensures compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, providing equal access to Hofstra University programs and services. Accommodations, coordinated by SAS, are provided to facilitate full participation.

Early planning is crucial as accommodations are not retroactive. All students are responsible for providing accommodation letters to each instructor and for discussing with the instructor the specific accommodations needed and how they can be best implemented in each course. For more information on services provided by the University and for submission of documentation, please contact Student Access Services, Room 102 Roosevelt Hall,, 516-463-7075.

Resources for Students who are Pregnant:

Hofstra University is committed to providing access to its programs, services, and facilities to all students consistent with its obligations under Title IX as well as under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).

In connection with Title IX, the University prohibits discrimination and/or harassment based on pregnancy, adoption and/or recovery therefrom. If a student wishes to request a reasonable modification in connection with such conditions under the University’s Title IX policies, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at or (516) 463-5841.

In addition, although pregnancy itself is not a disability under the ADA, some students may have one or more conditions related to their pregnancy that may qualify as a disability. Should a student wish to request a reasonable ADA disability accommodation, please contact Student Access Services at or (516) 463-7075.

If students do not seek to request a modification or accommodation based on a pregnancy or a disability, as described above, students are under no obligation to inform the University of any such conditions. 

Temporary Accommodations:

Students who wish to request temporary accommodations based on a temporary disability should contact Student Access Services at or (516) 463-7075 as soon as possible, as accommodations cannot be implemented retroactively.

Academic Leave of Absence:

Students seeking an academic leave of absence from the University (i.e., for a minimum of one full fall or spring semester) should visit our Academic Leave and Withdrawal page for more information.

Absences for Religious Observance:

Hofstra University recognizes that students and/or faculty may from time to time miss class due to religious observances. Students who anticipate missing class for this reason should notify faculty members in advance. Likewise, faculty members who anticipate missing class for religious observance should provide advance notice to students in their classes.

As per Faculty Policy Series 12 (B): “No student shall be expelled or refused admission to Hofstra University because he or she is unable to participate in any examination, study or work requirement because of his or her religious obligations and practices. However, all students are expected to complete all assignments and examinations. It is understood that no adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student who avails him or herself of religious observances. The University, faculty, and student shall work together to achieve a reasonable accommodation concerning any conflicts between educational and religious obligations.”

In accordance with New York state law, each student who is absent from school because of their religious beliefs will be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study, or work requirements that the student may have missed because of that absence on any particular day or days.

University Deadlines:

For important dates and University deadlines, see the Academic Calendar webpage.

Grade Policy:

Hofstra’s policies regarding incomplete grades, default grades, and associated deadlines can be found in the Hofstra Bulletins.

An overview of grading policy for Incompletes and UWs:

Incomplete: At the instructor’s discretion, a grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be granted upon the request of a student if the student has completed a substantial portion of the course and unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from completing some of the course work on time. (See additional guidelines available at the web link).

UW: The UW may be assigned only if the student stopped attending prior to the official withdrawal deadline, and, in the judgment of the faculty member, on the last date of attendance, the student either had the potential to pass the course or there was insufficient graded work to allow for such an evaluation. Note: The UW is always the appropriate grade for the student who is registered for the course but has never attended.

The UW pertains to attendance. Students who attend class beyond the official withdrawal deadline, should not receive a UW grade.

The UW can impact a student’s full- or part-time status. It may also impact immigration status (international students with F- or J- status).

Sex-Discrimination, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking:

Hofstra prohibits sexual and other discriminatory harassment, stalking, domestic and dating violence, and sexual assault (collectively, “Gender-Based Offenses”). Students who believe they have been subjected to any of these Gender-Based Offenses should refer to Hofstra’s Nondiscrimination Policy for information about applicable policies and how to submit reports. Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator for Student Issues at 516-463-5841 or or contact Public Safety at 516-463-6606, or, for concerns involving employees or other nonstudents, the Title IX Coordinator for Employee Issues, at 516-463-6859 or Confidential resources and support are available from medical professionals, at the Student Health Center at 516-463-6745. Resources and support are also available through Medicat (confidential) and via email (, and counseling professionals are available in Student Counseling Services at 516-463-CARE (2273). Clergy are available at the Interfaith Center (Student Center Room 213).