Mu Kappa Receives Prestigious Honors Chapter Award for Second Year in a Row
Congratulations to the student and faculty members of Mu Kappa – the Hofstra University chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the international geographic honor society – for earning the Honors Chapter Award for 2016! This is the second consecutive year that Mu Kappa earned this award. Dr. Susy S. Ziegler, Second Vice President and Awards Committee Chair of Gamma Theta Upsilon, wrote the following in her letter to Mu Kappa: “Your chapter is commended not only for recognizing the superior scholarship of your geography students, but also for planning activities that celebrate and spread the word about geography to your campus and community. Congratulations!”
The Mu Kappa chapter was initiated at Hofstra University in the spring of 2012 by professor Kari Jensen. Since then, 72 Hofstra students and faculty have been inducted into the chapter. Together with Get Global’s diversity dinners, Mu Kappa’s ceremonies and events have contributed to expanding student worldviews and increasing the recognition and enhancement of diversity on our campus. Mu Kappa’s recent award represents just one of many ways that our Geography program has received increasing recognition from the broader geographic community the last few years. Several of our students have presented papers and posters at both the regional and national annual meetings of the American Association of Geographers, including students representing our region at the World Geobowl competition held in conjunction with the National Annual Meeting (with an international attendance of around 10,000 people). One of our faculty members, Dr. Grant Saff, served on the National Executive Council, and was Treasurer of the American Association of Geographers, and was also the Vice-President of the Middle States Association.