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The Global Studies and Geography Department Hosts a Student Career Night

On Thursday, April 26th, current students and faculty members joined three recent Hofstra graduates: Sarah Gerwens '17, Tempe Staples '16, and Natasha Rappazzo '17 to hear about their lives post-graduation.

Sarah is pursuing an MSc in Global Europe: Culture and Conflict at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She encouraged students currently looking into graduate programs to try to find professors whose research corresponds with their interests and passions.

We also heard from Tempe, who has been working with Americorps as a Regional Conservation Coordinator in the Massachusetts-based TerraCorps program. She was recently accepted to Clark University and will be pursuing a Masters of Health Science. She gave excellent advice about how to write letters of intent to graduate schools.

Finally, we heard from Natasha who has been working with CodePink: Women for Peace. She offered insightful guidance on how to best emphasize your skills in a résumé and how to stand out in an interview.

Thank you to our alumni (especially Sarah staying up super late in London!) who took time out of their busy schedules to talk with our students and share their insights!

View some additional photos from the event on Flickr.
