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Global Studies and Geography Majors Present their Research at the Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Day

On Thursday May 10th, 13 Global Studies and Geography majors presented posters from their semester-long research projects for Undergraduate Research Day. Dr. Craig Dalton, Assistant Professor of Global Studies and Geography, supervised the Advanced GIS and Cartographic Communication projects while Dr. Kari Jensen, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography, supervised Emilie Beck’s Geography Honors Thesis project.


From left to right: Dr. Grant Saff, Chair of the Department, Dr. Craig Dalton, Liliana Velasquez, Sally Rosco, Christina Paccadolmi, Lauren Morgan, Larissa Bryant, Alishbah Saddiqui, Emilie Beck, Malcolm McCoy, Dr. Kari Jensen.


The full list of our majors that presented and their topics was:

Emilie Beck (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Re-contextualizing the War on Terror.”

Larissa Bryant (Global Studies), “The Natural World and Economics: What Could Environmental Efforts Mean for Economies.”**

Ligia Clara (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Suicide, Culture, and Society: The Relationship in the Americas and Europe.”

James Eager (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Spatial Reproductions of Inequality in New Haven, CT.”**

Deanna Hsu (Global Studies) co-presented (with Aaron Hampton, Mark Jason, Andrew Lewis and Miranda Maliszka), “Trace Metal Concentrations in Soil at Crossroads Farm.”*

Lauren Morgan (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Dealing with Waste on Campus: A Look at Plastic Bag Use at Hofstra University.”**

Malcolm McCoy (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Historical Maps of Long Island.”

Amit Nath (BS in Geographic Information Systems), “Hempcrete: A Sustainable Carbon Negative Building Material.”**

Christina Paccadolmi (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “ADA Accessible Subway Stations in Manhattan.”

Sally Roscoe (BS in Geographic Information Systems), “Kiwi Bird Population Influences in Aotearoa New Zealand.”

Alishbah Saddiqui (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography), “Redefining Terrorism.”

Carys Swan (Dual Major: Global Studies and Geography) co-presented (with Angela Rienzo), C”ommunicating Hurricane Risk with Virtual Reality.”**

Liliana Velasquez (BS in Geographic Information Systems), “Water Quality and the Effect on Cancer Incidence.”

*Advised by Dr. E. Christa Farmer in the Geology, Environment and Sustainability Department.
** Advised by Dr. Jase Bernhardt  in the Geology, Environment and Sustainability Department.

Congratulations to all of the presenters for their hard work!  Visit our Flickr page to view additional photos from the event and look for these and other maps to be displayed around Roosevelt Hall and within the Department.