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Congratulations to GS and Geography majors, Chris Carchia and Samantha Spagnolli for being honored with Phi Beta Kappa Book (PBK) Awards

(Oct 30, 2013)

Nine Hofstra students from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences were honored yesterday, October 30, at the Fall 2013 Phi Beta Kappa Book (PBK) Awards. The students – three sophomores, three juniors and three seniors – were selected by the Hofstra faculty PBK officers for maintaining a GPA of 3.9-4.0 and for high achievement in their major in the humanities, natural sciences or social sciences.

Two of these students are Global Studies and/or Geography majors:

Christopher S. Carchia, 19, of North Haven, CT
Class of 2016, dual major in global studies and geography and political science
Samantha A. Spagnoli, 20, of Dampmart, France
Class of 2015, dual major in English and global studies

(see: Students at the Top of Their Class Receive Phi Beta Kappa Book Awards)